Chapter 22

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Brian locked himself in his office for the rest of the afternoon and set his phone line to busy. He needed time to think clearly and rationally. The way he treated Shannon was unforgiveable and if she never spoke to him again he wouldn’t blame her. He wanted to talk to her and apologise but he knew it would be a bad time. Not knowing how long she would be there for though, he knew he had to make amends sooner rather than later. He would wait a couple of days though, just to let the dust settle. A wry smile spread across his face. Oh how the tables had turned. It was he who botched up his life rather than Shannon.

Seriously! What had he been thinking? Why did he feel so obligated to marry Katie? Why did he propose in the first place?

He let his thoughts wander back to the night he proposed. A couple of days earlier he had made plans with Katie to go out for dinner after work one night. They didn’t go out for dinner often because they were both so busy. They agreed to meet at the restaurant and little did Brian realise that Katie had expected him to propose.

Before dinner, he had stopped at a pub for a few drinks after work. He had had a few too many and wasn’t thinking clearly. On his way to the restaurant he passed a jewellery store and spotted a ring which reminded him of Shannon. Why he bought it he didn’t know but he did and he had since concluded that deep down he hoped one day he would be able to give it to her.

It was only when they were half way through dinner that Brian realised what Katie’s expectations were. She had been attentive to him, even more so than usual, and hinted at getting married. The pressure got to him and the proposal just popped out. From what little he remembered about the incident, it wasn’t even the most remarkable proposal either. All he said was ‘will you marry me?’ and that was that. Katie didn’t mind though and she excitedly said yes.

It wasn’t smooth, he knew that.

He and Katie had started going out a month before he proposed. Yes it was quick, as he had already heard it said from Nathan and other people at work. To put their minds to rest he just consoled them by saying he knew what they were doing and everything would be fine. Then Shannon came on the scene and nothing was fine anymore. Instead it just reminded him how much he loved her and that marrying Katie would be a huge mistake.

When he started going out with Katie, they did have an instant connection and Brian mistook it for love. What he soon realised was that the connection was because of what they had in common, not a love for each other. Not long after that he knew that the relationship wouldn’t last for long but he didn’t let himself think about it. He didn’t feel a romantic attraction toward her and when they kissed, there were no sparks. He didn’t pine to be with her when they were apart and he looked forward to any time away from her.

That wasn’t normal in a relationship. How could one work on that basis? It couldn’t, plain and simple. But things had happened so quickly and he couldn’t back out, he couldn’t admit the truth to Katie. Her past had made her into a fragile girl and it would break her to know it had all been a lie. That basis alone made up Brian’s mind about going through with the marriage. He owed it to her for leading her on in the first place.

He sighed and placed his head in his hands. His life was as good as over.

Thinking to the engagement party in a couple of days, Brian felt his palms turn clammy. Katie had been so excited about getting married she’d organised an engagement party within a couple of days. She had even hired a professional photographer much to Brian’s dismay. He would never spend that sort of money just for an engagement party. Weddings, yes but anything else he just didn’t see the sense in forking out such expense.

He sighed and decided to get to work. At that precise moment he couldn’t do anything.

The mobile on his desk started to ring and he cursed under his breath. He didn’t think to turn his mobile off and Nathan was calling him. Shannon would have spoken to him already, rightly so, but he wasn’t ready for another lecture. He ignored the call then once it had stopped ringing he switched his phone off. He would deal with the aftermath later.

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