Chapter 19

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Shannon came to by the feeling of someone holding her hand. She stirred and sat up, the thumping in her head feeling as though someone were playing drums in there. At first she felt disoriented but as she took in her surrounds everything came flooding back.

Brian was engaged? She wasn’t even aware he had a girlfriend! Either Nathan had kept the truth from her in fear of her being hurt, or he too was left in the dark. She felt sick to the stomach. She had started to hope that taking this job would mean she would get a chance to talk to him once and for all and win him back. If he was engaged though, it was a lost cause. How could she do the job? There was no way she could take photos at the engagement party of her ex best friend whom she just happened to be in love with.

That’s the sort of thing that happened in soap operas.

“Are you okay my dear?” Jim asked, concern crossing his face.

Shannon rubbed the sore spot of her head. “I think I’m okay.”

“Are you unwell? If you feel you are too ill to do this job you must tell me so I can make alternative arrangements.”

The offer tempted Shannon and she opened her mouth to agree when she forced it shut again. She couldn’t just act under compulsion; she had to think about it logically. All personal feelings aside the job was a perfect opportunity for her to make more of herself as a professional. If she didn’t do it, it would be sod’s law that another opportunity would not arise for a long time. Whether she liked it or not she had to do it and the truth was she wanted to. Perhaps it would give her closure.

“No I’m not unwell, I’ll be fine.” Shannon said at last. “I still want to do this.”

Jim offered her his hand and helped her to her feet. “Well if you are sure. How are you feeling now? Will you be able to make it through the day?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Good, good. I will endeavour to finalise your travel plans before lunch. Remember to talk to your friend.”

Shannon nodded in a daze and stumbled out of his office. She sat down on a chair and rested her throbbing head. The job would be difficult, no doubt about it and she was petrified. She hadn’t intended on seeing Brian again in such a situation but she had no choice. She had to think long and hard about how she would approach him without causing a scene. That gave her one night to talk to Nathan and make a plan. If Amy agreed to go along with her, Shannon would ask her to help with the finishing touches.

Picking up the phone she dialled Amy’s work number. It was a bad time to call but she had to get a yes or no answer. Shannon left out the bit about the engagement; she decided to explain that later. Her main focus was on why she had to go on the road trip.

As soon as Amy heard the situation and what it entailed, she immediately leapt at the opportunity. Shannon couldn’t help but be surprised that she was so willing. When she asked why Amy explained she hadn’t taken any recreation leave since she started her job over a year ago. Her employer had told her to make plans to take some so the timing was perfect. With that settled Shannon spent the rest of the day tying up loose ends at work and making note of what photos the tourism company wanted taken. Regardless of what waited for her in Perth, Shannon couldn’t help but be excited.

By the time the day ended Jim had provided Shannon with all she would require for their road trip. He had booked her and Amy in at a hotel and provided a company credit card that would cover all the costs associated with that and any other expenses, including food. A company car would provide the transport and a company fuel card would cover all the fuel costs. Shannon or Amy would not have to pay a cent. How could anyone knock back such an offer?

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