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January 2014Washington DC, USA

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January 2014
Washington DC, USA

After they had gotten Sam's jet-pack suit with wings they went to the place Nat discovered Sitwell was currently at. Rose saw the agent speaking with a senator, who she recognised because Tony had mentioned once that the Senate wanted to expropriate his suit from him, this was one of the senators most eager in wanting Tony to give up the suit deeming him as a threat. She scoffed internally, this guy probably just wanted to suit to be the property of Hydra.

The Senator left and Sitwell received a phone call ordering the agents around him to leave. Rose nodded knowing that Sam was the one calling, Natasha had done something to make sure that Sitwell thought it was Pierce phoning.

Rose saw Sitwell looking amongst the crowd trying to locate the Wilson man whilst she stayed hidden. Considering the moment to be appropriate, she grabbed ahold of the object in the pocket of her jacket and pointed the laser at Sitwell who saw a red dot on his tie, even at that distance she saw him pale.

If the situation was different, she would've laughed at his ignorance. He had thought a gun was being pointed at him when it was just a laser pointer.

When she saw Sitwell leave to where they had planned, she left the place making sure her face wasn't seen and went to the car where Steve and Nat were.

"Did it work?" Steve asked.

"Perfectly," she said proudly. "Told you it would."

"I gotta say, the laser pointer was ingenious," Nat admitted.

"Yeah well, sneaking a gun that had a laser in the middle of a street would've been a lot harder."

"Mm...Hydra agent gets scared of a laser pointer," Nat said in the backseat right when the door opened and Sitwell got inside widening her eyes in fear when he saw who the people were. Nat smirked: "Agent Sitwell, you are looking a little white."

Steve drove them to a building and then grabbed the agent roughly and practically dragged him up the stairs to the roof, mind you, there were a lot of stairs.

"Tell me about Zola's algorithm," Steve demanded pushing the man so hard that he flew a couple of metres before falling to the ground.

Sitwell picked up his glasses backing up. "Never heard of it."

"What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?" Steve walked determinately towards him, Rose and Nat following.

"I was throwing up, I get seasick," Sitwell got to the edge of the rooftop and he couldn't walk back any further so he took a step forward. Steve grabbed his suit lifting him up easily, putting him on the edge, the agent smiled mockingly but still fearfully. "Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers."

"You're right. It's not," he said letting go of him stretching up the shirt and suit he wrinkled. "It's theirs," he said stepping aside letting Sitwell see the two women behind him without him in the way.

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