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November 2014Avengers Tower, New York, USA

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November 2014
Avengers Tower, New York, USA

"Wha—How? What the—" Rose stuttered not able to find the words. Was this real?

An alarm started sounding throughout the whole building. She heard her name through the speakers.

"Rose, I don't have much time," Beth was wearing a loose grey full-body outfit, looking at her urgently. Her aspect had changed, she was no longer vibrant but sparkless, though her anxious mannerisms were still there, worsened.

"How are you here?"

"There's no time. I'm in Ukraine," she told her making Rose frown in confusion. She felt Beth's proximity in her gut but she still felt far away.


"You need to look for me right now, I'm being moved in a few hours," Beth said quickly. "You have the shot."

The door slammed open, Steve ran into the room quickly. "Rose—" his voice got caught in mid-sentence upon seeing the missing woman they had been looking for for almost the entire year.

The young woman barely spared him a glance still looking at Rosemary. "I need to go, I can't hold it," her body flickered. "Find me, your powers."

Then she was gone.

More people came into the room armed but Rose only shared a glance with Steve who looked as streaked with bewilderment as well.

"Was that...Beth?"

At least Rose wasn't going crazy.

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"Can you go through it again?" Tony asked.

"Tony we've been through it ten times already," Steve changed his body position.

"Yeah, I know it's just... I get lost every time you say Beth was standing in the room and then flickered," he said robotically and fast.

"They must've used the sceptre, it's the only explanation," Bruce told them.

"Human experimentation?" Clint uttered. "Can the sceptre even work?"

"It may be possible," Thor answered. The god had arrived on Earth about three months ago, which had been a blessed addition to the group that was finally complete. Attacks to Hydra went considerably quicker with his assistance.

"It's been known to work before for Hydra," Nat observed thoughtfully, glancing briefly at Rose.

"It doesn't matter how it happened. We need to get going."

"I thought you said Beth's search gave you different places," Clint mentioned. "Or that it was blocked."

"Yes, but not anymore," Rose explained. "She said she was being moved right? Maybe that meant that she was being moved away from the sceptre, maybe the sceptre is going somewhere else too. There's nothing blocking her anymore. And, I did what she said, I tried finding her. Places lit up, but Ukraine...it was glowing more than the rest."

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