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The first thing Rosemary heard, or rather, felt was the beeping of a machine followed by a small headache, that's as much as she could feel though, the rest of her body was mostly numb, mostly.

There was a faint sound that she recognised as voices whilst she sent ultrasound throughout the room, she realised that it was a TV, the layout of the room felt familiar but it took her a few seconds to remember it was a hospital room, there was a person near her.

The lighting on the room was dim but still made her eyes feel strained when she opened them slowly and blinked hard several times before her vision adjusted and she saw clearly. It was night.

Rose saw a hunched man sitting on a chair sleeping uncomfortably, recognition falling quickly on her features.

"Tony?" her voice came out hoarse, barely audible. She moved her hand attempting to touch him but she stopped quickly at the discomfort of a needle in her skin and the ache in her body. She swallowed, her throat was dry, and coughed shortly before speaking again, this time much clearer albeit softly. "Tony."

The man shook his head in surprise, his body tensed in alarm which quickly dispersed once he realised who had spoken, relief washed over his face. "Oh, thank god," he murmured itching close to her grabbing a hold of her hand. "I told those doctors you'd wake up."

"W—What happened?"

"A shit ton, auntie," he expressed, the recent events still lodged into his mind, his tone would've sounded rough if it wasn't laced with worry. "What do you remember?"

His godmother squinted her eyes trying to remember. It took about a minute but once she remembered Steve every incident of the past days came flooding to her. "I was...at one of SHI—Hydra's helicarrier's...Steve, Sam and I were supposed to put on chips, uhm...I was with Steve, Bucky he—" she paused remembering that he had shot her before she passed out. "Steve...where is he? Is he okay? What about—"

"He's fine. They're both fine...well, we suppose Barnes' okay. Rogers' already out of the hospital...How about you worry about yourself for a minute okay?" Tony interjected, frustration clear on his expression but he kept his voice calm...or at least he tried.

Rose sighed relieved. "Okay...I don't get it...I was at the helicarrier? It was crumbling down."

"It did...You and Steve fell over to the river, but someone pulled you out...footage caught a metal-armed man leaving the place where he left you, he pulled you out, also made a tourniquet for you, you were shot, not that that evens it out but you know..." Rose smiled slightly. If Bucky pulled them out it meant that he remembered, at least a little.

"Did anyone get hurt?" she asked and she watched as Tony scoffed.

The godson was distressed at the lack of concern his aunt was having for herself. "You did," he said seriously. "It was all over the news, the helicarriers falling, Hydra infiltrating in SHIELD. One day you are a fugitive and the next thing I know is I'm getting a call from the hospital saying you're seriously injured and doctors don't know if you'll make it," the grip in her hand tightened as his eyes got glossy.

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