Chapter 3 - The Cocoon

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Error's POV

I groaned as I felt myself begin to wake up. Everything hurt in my body.

Pushing myself up, I looked around. My vision was blurry but it eventually came back to me.

After recollecting my thoughts, I made mental notes in my mind. I seemed to be in a large cavern. It was tall enough to fit two castles on top of one another.

The ground surrounding me was a cliff overlooking the abyss that the monster fell into.

  The only source of light was the hole above me, which was the same one that the diablos created.

  I placed my dual blades in their sheath before digging a jar out of my satchel. The jar held flashflies, bugs that produced light which was useful for dark caves. They stayed close to me as they knew my scent.

  My feet carried me through the darkness. I had no idea where I was and the fact that I couldn't see wasn't helping.

  Sunlight didn't exist in this place, hindering my ability to be able to know how long I had be in there.

  However, I managed to catch the first glimpse of light around the corner. I put the flashflies back into the jar before walking any further.

  My eyes widened when I saw what was in the light. There was an entire kingdom but, it was ancient and abandoned. Animals were the only things living here now.

Light poured from a hole above me, giving sunlight to the mysterious world around me. I walked while in complete shock.

'How as no one discovered this?'

  I thought to myself as I ran my hand along a sandstone wall. Plants chocked the stone, showing how old the wall was.

A river ran to the edge of the ruins, created a waterfall at the cliff. Buildings were falling apart and there seemed to be dark markings everywhere.

  Something terrible happened to this place, I could feel it.

  I looked to my right and saw an entrance to another part of the cavern. However, it was different than the rest of the ruins. It was dark with a faint glow coming from within.

  Pulling out my blades, I walked into the darkness while looking for the source of the glow.

  After what seemed like forever, I finally found the source. What I saw made me loose my sense of words.

There was a cocoon suspended in the air in the center of the cave. Several glowing strands secured the cocoon in place.

  Walking up to one of them, I inspected the materiel of the strand.

Me: Weird. The cocoon and the strands seem to be made up of some sort of blue string. What type of blue string glows like this?

  Looking around the cave, I never noticed the many corpses that laid underneath the cocoon. Each one of them had holes in their chests, where the soul should have been. It was a mystery to me, that is, until I looked up.

  Hanging from the ceiling along with the cocoon, was a web of strings. And... there were the missing souls.

My mind pieced it together which caused me to become filled with fear. These strings killed these people and stole their souls.

'Why the souls? What purpose do they serve for these strings?'

  Suddenly, the web began to move. I knew that I was next. My breathing wavered.

'Focus Error, you have to think. You have to get out of here.'

  I turned around but saw that the strings had blocked the entrance. I was trapped in there with that cocoon. There was no where to go, meaning I had to accept my fate.

  Strings came towards me with the intent to kill. I closed my eyes, waiting for them to take my soul. However, it never came.

  Opening my eyes, I saw that the strings had stopped before beginning to retreat back to their place.

Then, the cocoon started lower itself to the ground. Once it was settled, it unwrapped.

  After the strings were fully gone, I saw something laying in the middle. Actually, it was someone.

  It was a white skeleton that wore a brown scarf. He had black stains on his cheeks and black markings running across his body. The brown clothing that he wore covered up most of it.

He was alive but seemed to be unconscious.

'The cocoon was protecting him.'

  For some reason, I already knew his name...


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