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I have absolutely no idea what's happening with Souline. Is she still mad at me from when she fell this morning?

When I called her, she didn't answer so I called her again. The race was going to start pretty soon so I don't know if she's even ready yet.

So I texted her multiple times and you know what she did? She left me on read.

So now I'm going to her apartment to see what the hell is happening. Once I get to her apartment number, I knock on the door.

"Soul? Are you there?" I call out. She's probably sleeping still, we were out really late last night so I don't blame her.

"Souline?" I knock on the door, still no answer. I'm yelling pretty loud and knocking on the door so I know damn well if she's not answering, she's not here.

The race starts in 30 minutes so now I have to find her.

Where would Soul go? She's probably working so I head to Captain's Diner and go inside.

I walk up to the girl in front, "I was wondering if Souline is working today?"

"Oh no, not today! She's has a day off," she tells me while writing on a notepad.

"Okay thank you." When I turn my head, I see a half empty slushee cup on the counter. Could that be Soul's?

I shake my head away from those thoughts and start driving down the road. Then I see Carl come into my vision.

He's wearing the white beanie Soul picked out for him as well as the giant coat.

"Kayden? What are you doing out here?" He questions as he pours dog food into Leo's bowl.

"I'm looking for Souline, any chance you've seen her?" I ask. I really hope he has because I do not want to search the entire Eastview to find her. Although I would do that either way.

"Oh yeah! She was just here like a couple hours ago." He tells me.

"Did she tell you where she was going?" I question him.

"Yeah, she said something about exploring the city. I don't blame her, the city is beautiful and why not explore it on your birthday you know?" He chuckles while petting Leo. Birthday?

"Birthday? It's her birthday?" I ask in confusion. Why didn't she tell me? We could've done something today.

"Yeah, I'm really glad she's taking a break, she sounded more down than normal but we all have bad days right?" he explains to me. Soul feeling down, never heard that one before.

I nod and walk away. I see that's it's almost one. I have to get to the race.

I try to call her one last time but she still doesn't answer.
Once I get to the race, I try to find Austin.

"Kayden, why the hell are you so late? The race is about to start," He yells at me. He's throwing his arms around like a maniac.

"Calm down, I had something to do. Oh and can you do me a favor?" I ask him while getting into my car.

"Yeah hurry make it quick." he says while shoving me into the car even faster.

"I need to print this name onto the hoodies you make. You know how you make those logos, I need you to do the same thing with this name. I also need you to get a Taco Bell gift card, put like 100 on there. And get this necklace." I show him the pictures on my phone for everything I need him to get.

"So you expect me to get those things, which are mostly customized, today? You do realize that it takes at least a day to make those right?" He tells me raising his eyebrow.

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