579 12 17

TW : rape

"Tate! Can you get table 7? Isaac's doing tables 3,5 and 2 and I have to do 1,4,8 and 9." I pleaded in hopes she wasn't already handling the other tables.

"Yeah yeah I got it!" she shouted from the other side of the diner while setting down a tray of hamburgers on table 10.

I have an hour left until my shifts over so I want to finish off strong so I feel good about myself.

Kayden is picking me up but won't tell me what he's planning. I feel so bad about what happened yesterday but hey, I'm 19 now!

"Damn it" I whispered as I heard the bell ring. We have another customer. Don't get me wrong, I love serving people, it's just so tiring.

I glance at the new customer while putting the note pad for Pablo to cook the order.

No, that's not him. I looked at him again. Oh wait, it is him. Kayden.

"Kayden?" I questioned. I thought he was coming later? Why is he an hour early?

"Hello Soul." He grinned as he sits down in one of the chairs in front of me.

"Aren't you supposed to come here after my shifts' done?" I ask in confusion while crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Yeah but i'm here now." he simply states while looking at the menu in front of him.

"Okay Im serious why are you here though?" I ask in curiosity.

"I'm actually here to find me a girlfriend. I haven't had one in a long time and I've caught my eye on someone that comes here often," he answered.

"Really? Where is she?" I sought looking around the diner.

"She's not here anymore." He commented as he saw my reaction. My smile faltered but soon comes back up as I have an idea.

"Since you're looking for a girlfriend, I'll help you. You know, I'll be like cupid," I joked.

He looks at me like I'm a freak but I ignore and continue with my cupid magic.

"Okay so what's your type?" I questioned while taking out my notepad.

"Hm, light brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'6, funny." he lists off as I write it down. Then I hear the bell ring for the food that Pablo finished cooking.

"Okay, Im going to finish serving these and I'll be right back." I assured him while putting my pen and notepad back into the pocket of my apron.

I grab the fries and hamburger from the counter and deliver it to table 8. I take their cups because they requested for a refill and head to the back to refill them.

When I look back for Kayden, he isn't there anymore. I guess he got bored.

I go to the soda refill machine and fill both cups with Dr.Pepper.

I wait for the bubbles in the soda to go down so I can fill it up all the way and quickly look over the diner to see if anyone needs assistance.

When I look back at the sodas, both cups are gone.

What the hell?

I look under and over the machine to see if they fell or magically flew but it wasn't there.

"Boo!" someone whispered in a dark voice.

I quickly grab a hard cup and hit that person in the head.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" someone groaned in pain.

"Kayden?! Have you not learned your fucking lesson? Do you remember what happened last time?" I sigh while pinching the bridge of my nose.

"How could you not know it was me? I was literally gone from the table?" he grumbles while rubbing his forehead. I quickly fill a napkin with ice and fold it up.

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