Crazy Night??

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i have decided that im gonna stop being sad bc thaT SHIT AINT FUN. i said in my Zayn rant that idk when imma be able to make a funny rant but i think im okay now honestly

i feel like in the end, zayn will make sure he does whatever will make him happy and im content with that.

but ive had a pretty cray cray day/night so imma tell u about

the day wasn't really that crazy but i goT ASKED TO PROM. I WAS SO SCARED I WASNT BUT I GOT ASKED SO THAT MADE ME V V HAPPY.

no one probably remembers this, but WAY back in my rant called "crushes", i told u guys about the friend who asked me out but I thought it was a joke, so i was like "no" and he was like "its okay i wouldn't wanna date me either" YEAH STILL SAD BUt he asked me to prom bc we're still bros

basically he came up to me during lunch with flowers and chocolate bars that he wrapped in paper that said "Prom?" on them and it was cute as hell and he was cute as hell because he was shaking sO BADLY. like he was so so nervous like bby

but obvi i said yes, but he was so nervous he didn't wait to get a picture or anything, he just waLKED AWAY LMAO.

so that was good but my night was shitTY

me and two other friends were gonna go see that horror movie It Follows, but i didn't realize it was R. my two other friends are over 17 so they were fine but I turn 17 in a few months so i technically couldn't see it; but when we went to get tickets I saw this guy from my school whos on tech crew with me, so I was like okay whatever he'll probably just let me bc we're friends.

lmao i was wrong!!

and sue me idk but usually with R movies i just buy a ticket for a pg-13 movie and go in the R one bc my theater doesn't check, and i'm definitely gonna continue doing that bc i don't wanna be in this situation again.

So we go up and he says hey and i say hi whatever and we ask for the tickets. He asks for ID so my friend showed hers (the 2nd friend got there before us so she was already in the theater.) and I said "I don't have any on me sorry." and he goes "then i can't sell you the tickets"

like ok whatever i get that ur doing your thing i was kinda annoyed but not mad, so I said "okay i'll just get a ticket for Home then at 9:00"

and he goes "You're obviously not going into the movie theater to see that. If you try to go into the It Follows theater i'll have someone go get you and kick you out."

what the fuck??????

so at that point im pissed so me and my friend (im just gonna call her Sam) just walk away because he was being a dick. like no ticket person has ever been that rude to me and they're all strangers!??

But anyway, we still wanted to see the movie, so we went over to the computer ticket distributor thing they have at the theater and my friend used her credit card to buy 2 tickets to the movie. so we think everything is fine but we look over and see fucking dickwad talking to his co-worker and pointing towards me and the co-worker walks to the ticket ripper person and points towards me basically saying to not let me in.

obviously Sam was pissed because she just payed for two tickets and they were doing everything to make sure I would not get in. So my other friend came back and was like "just go outside and go around the side door, we'll let you in. you have the ticket so it doesn't matter if they don't see you."

so i said okay and walk outside to go to the other door, but i started getting really anxious for some reason and i started having a panic attack outside in the cold alone lol.

i probably looked so stupid bc i was walking back and fourth hyperventilating and crying so I called Sam and she came out to calm me down. (Sam went in and outside like 5 times in this process i felt so bad.) at this point I decided i was just going to call my mom to pick me up but she didn't answer, and neither did my dad or brother so i was like shit.

I offered to walk to the mall thats in the same area since its like a town square place idk but she said "What the hell im not gonna make you sit in a mall for two hours thats not an option." I really wouldn't mind tho bc I felt bad that she had already bought the tickets, so I wasn't going to make her not see it.

in the end I was able to get one of my friends (I'll call her Meg) to get me, but it was just such a bad situation for me. I didn't want to call Meg bc i hate messing up peoples schedules and being an inconvenience, so Sam took my phone and called her even tho i rly didn't want her to. She didn't have any problem getting me but i still felt bad and she was hanging out with her friend so that made me feel wORSE.

and the mall that I go to is like 20 mins away so I had to wait and Sam refused to go back inside till she got there. at that point the movie probably started and it was cold as tiTS SO I DIDN'T WANT HER TO WAIT BUT SHE WAS STUBBORN.

just to make the situation better, after all this i forgot about the soda i had in my purse to bring into the theater (bc fountain movie theater soda is like the same price as a months rent), and it spilled all over my purse. All over my charger and headphones :)

but in the end, i realized i have friends who care about me so that made me feel good. like in total i had to wait in 30 degree weather for an hour and Sam stayed with me.

and meg dropped what she doing to come pick me up

and Sam said something like "Mare, you need to stop worrying about messing up peoples schedules. You have all of these friends who would drop anything to come get you in situations like this and you need to realize that." And that made me cry bc i was already emotional lol.

but I do have a big problem where I never really feel like I'm that important to people idk. and I HATE being an inconvenience so so so much

The car ride home was good though bc Meg, the dude she was with, and i talked about how big of a dick that guy is and we talked about Parks and Rec so it was good.

AND THE DUDE SHOWED ME A VID OF HIS MOM GOING "i can't believe Zayn Malik left the Backstreet boys." I LAUGHED SO HARD

but yeah im home now and Sam is coming to get me bc the movie just ended and imma sleep at her house.


-Mare :)xx

PS- this is my hundredth rant wowow

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