Chapter 9

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After we were done eating, Flame and I walked out to the garden and sat beneath the huge willow tree. Flame keeps glancing at me and I sigh, "what's wrong?" He looks down at the ground and then back up, "I'm worried about you. You keep refusing to feed on blood and you know you need it. You're starving yourself, and for what, that venator?"

Flame growls  quietly and I shake my head, "I have to do this for myself. I want to prove that we are not the monsters that everyone thinks we are. We have compassion and don't kill recklessly." Flame shakes his head, "You don't have to starve yourself to prove that. You may be half human but that doesn't mean you don't suffer from not eating blood. You can feed with compassion", he says softly.

I don't meet his gaze and instead look up at the sky. "It's not that easy. I don't like feeding off humans and I want to prove to myself I'm not a monster", Flame gets ready to say something but I shake my head,"I don't care if you can feed without being a monster I don't want to be some mindless being who can only think of blood. That's why I only feed when I can't take it anymore."

I get ready to stand up but have to steady against a tree because a dizzy wave hit me. Flame is holding me steady against his chest and I try to move but he holds me there. "This is bad for you health and you can't keep doing this. You could die Raven and a death of not feeding from blood is not a good death at all."

The sound of people talking reaches our ears and Flame distances himself. "I'm perfectly fine. I have a few more days at least and until then I will eat more human food." Flame gets ready to say more but remains silent as a group of servants go by.

One of the maid comes to me and curtsies. I tilt my head and motion for her to proceed, "Prince Zaus has requested your presences milady." "Thank you for delivering the message" I say as I dismiss her. She curtsies once more, and it's not till she is out of eyesight that Flame and I look at each other. "Raven I don't think that's a good idea" Flame says cautiously. I smile at him and ruffle his hair, "Don't worry I have you, and besides I have control. Come on let's go." Flame sighs and follows me as we head to Prince Zaus's room.

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