Chapter 6

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        I move just in time as an arrow clatters beside me. I hiss and search for the hunter. “There he is” Flame growls and points toward the ball door. The hunter shoots another arrow at me and I dodge again. “What is your deal?” The hunter doesn’t respond and just keeps shooting at me. I lunge for him but he seems to move out of my grasp just in time.

Flame and I search but can’t seem to find him. We check one more time and then go inside the ballroom. “Keep an eye open” I whisper. Flame nods and looks around the room as I walk towards Zaus, Charles, and my father.

“Ah Raven! there you are” my dad says. I curtsey “ Father.” “Are we ready to begin” Charles ask. My dad looks at me and I nod. “Yes let’s begin” my father says as he waves at the announcer.

The ball room quiets down, and Zaus and I hook arms. “Welcome all to my palace. I hope you all enjoy this ball as it is a night of celebration. You have all been invited to celebrate the engagement of Sir Zaus of the hunters, and Princess Raven.”

The crowd clapped and cheered the congratulations. I tipped my head respectfully and Zaus gave a respectful nod to the crowd. ¨Enough of the serious business. Time to dance” my father exclaimed with a clap of his hands.

The crowd quickly came together and started to dance in a swirl of color. I backed up and observed the floor. Do you see him I asked Flame. No, its hard to smell anything right now.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and spun around. “Woah! Just wanted to ask my bride to be for a dance” Zaus says with the right side of his lip curled up in the start of a smile. I study him briefly and then smile back. “Then let us join the festivities” I say as he takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor.

The crowd creates an opening and Zaus and I start to dance. Laughter surrounds us as we spin around on the floor. I catch a whiff of the hunter from earlier and quickly turn my head.

“What is it” Zaus asks as I see someone slip out the door. “You smell that?” “It’s the one that just slipped out” Flame replies.

“It’s nothing, but I must beg your pardon and excuse myself” I say as I quickly start to lead Zaus off the dance floor. “No tell me” Zaus says as I let go of his hand and back up towards the same door the hunter went out. “Raven.” Zaus goes for my hand but Flame steps between us. “I’ll be right back” I say over my shoulder as Flame and I sneak our way out.

The scent seems to keep going till we reach a hallway far off from the dancefloor. I don’t see anyone do you Flame asks. I shake my head and we continue forward.

Two men walk out from behind the knight decorations and stand in front of us. I narrow my eyes and Flame steps closer to me. “What is your business with the princess” Flame asks.

“Just some business” one of them says.

“What business would that be” Flame asks.

“Some people we knew are missing and we want them back” the second one giggled as he took a step forward.

“Make one more move and it’ll be your last” I hiss.

“Oh that’s right, it’s been a while since you’ve ate hasn’t it” the first one says with a snide tone.

“What do you mean” I scoff.

“We heard we heard” the second one giggled. Flame glances at me from the corner of his eye but I don’t change my expression. “I am fine he was just concerned” I say with a flip of my hair.

“Let’s test that then” the first one says.

The second reaches into his back pocket and Flame lunges at him as the first one catches the knife and slits his hand. I hiss and the first drop of blood rolls off his hand and on to the floor.

My fangs burn but I swallow the hunger. “Nice try, but I’m not weak” I smirk. “Then why don’t you come closer if you’ve got control” the hunter says as he takes a step forward.

“What’s that, I thought it was the next step?” he smirks.

I see Flame and the second thief are still fighting so I let out an exasperated breath. Looking at the first one, I take a step and he smirks. “What is the little vampire scared” he mocks. I take a deep breath and then move.

“What the-” the first one says before he is slammed against the wall. My fangs are at his throat as he starts to breath heavily. He meets my red eyes and starts to struggle. “This was a mistake on your part. Do not tempt me again” I say before hitting his head against the wall to knock him out.

Flame has the second one pinned but I see the guy reach into his jacket. “Flame watch it” I yell and he hops off just in time as the second hunter slits his throat. I reel back at the smell but my hunger starts to get the best of me and I get ready to dig my fangs into the slowly cooling throat.

       A glass shatters on the floor and i look towards the sound to see Zaus standing there. I freeze and then dissapear. Raven! Flame shouts after my but I cut the connection and lock myself in my room.

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