Chapter 14

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I had been sitting there in silence since Zaus had left and I frowned. Was I really going to sit here and keep myself locked up in my room? What would that do? Shaking my head I stood up, Flame made his choice and it was time for me to make mine.

I walked to the door as I made up my mind to go train. Training always had helped me feel better at the end of the day. The knob turned as I reached for it, making me let go and take a step back as the guard opened it for Zaus. He studied me with a lifted eyebrow before speaking, "Did you get lonely and decide to come looking for me", he joked. I laughed softly and shook my head, "No, sorry. I was actually leaving to go train." Zaus seemed to consider what I was saying, "Can I come with you?" I hesitated and Zaus raised his hands, "I won't get in your way. I just want to practice and haven't found a good place to do so."

I studied him for a second and then nodded my head, "Alright, come on", I said as I walked past him and out the door. The guard came to attention as I passed but I paid him no mind. The training room wasn't too far from where my room was located. Zaus, walking beside me, looked at the different doors and then to me. "Don't ask. I'm not even quite sure what all the rooms are. I've been told they are all guest rooms." Zaus nodded in an understanding manner and didn't press further.

Stopping in front of an iron door I turned to Zaus. "This is one of the many training rooms but I figured this one would probably have stuff that you could use" I said as I reached in a hidden pocket on my dress and grabbed the key. It was a tiny gold key and I turned it in the door and forced the door open. It groaned as I pushed it open and waved Zaus in. He went to grab the door for me and shook my head. "This wasn't made for humans in mind." Zaus's eyes widened in understanding as he glanced at the door before walking in.

I shut the door behind us and turned to face Zayne. He had already lit the candels so the room was bathed in light. I tilted my head as a sign of thanks before walking to the corner of the room where the stone bags were. "The swords and targets are over there", I said pointing behind me before I grabbed a practice dummy.

I sat the dummy up on a stool and backed up. I studied it and closed my eyes to take a deep breathe. I centered my focus on the dummy and then struck. A loud crack was heard in the room as the dummy fell to the ground. Pebbles rolled out but that was all that remained of the rocks.

I grabbed another dummy and sat them on the stool. Zayne had picked up a sword by this time and was practicing swordsmanship with one of the dummies over there. I shook my head and focused back on the dummy. I pulled my leg back and the kicked. The dummy flew into the wall and a loud bang was heard.

I could feel Zayne's eyes on me as I went for another dummy. He gave an awkward cough before walking up to me. "I know you didn't want me to bother you but I was wondering if you'd like to practice swordsmanship with me. After all, he isn't putting up much of a fight", Zaus said as he pointed to the dummy over by the swords.

I glanced at the dummy and chuckled as one of the arms fell.

"Sure, why not", I said with a shrug before grabbing one of the swords. We stood at opposite sides of the room and I tilted my head.


"No fatal blows, other than that it's whoever calls mercy."

I raised my brow, "Are you sure you don't want to do a three hit rule?"

"I'm sure. Unless you're scared I'll beat you?"

"Psh, in your dreams. Ready?"

"Ready. "

"Alright then let's start!"

We ran at each other with swords drawn. They clashed and we both pushed on our swords. I had gotten a little headway when Zayne started to put more force behind his. I jumped back and then ran at him again.

We were well matched and the sound of metal striking metal rang throughout the room. We both were growing frustrated at the lack of progress on either side. Let's take this up a level then, I thought with a smirk.

I picked up the speed making it harder for him to track my movements. He was still good at deflecting the right spots. I got a few hits on him but he was quick to learn and blocked more of my strikes.

Finally I called a time out as we both stood there panting. "Take five and then we will get back to it?"

"You got it", he said with a thumbs up before walking over to the plugged hole in the wall. Water came running out and he was quick to drink the water as fast as it came out. Having enough, he put his head under the stream before plugging the water.

I had to hold a chuckle back as he shook his head. He reminded me of a dog the way that he got rid of the extra water. He glanced at me and I quickly busied myself by looking at the sword I held in my hand. It had already been dull but the constant striking had turned it as dull as a butter knife.

"You ready?"

"You bet", Zayne said as he walked back to the practice area.


"Ready." It was with those words that the sound of metal hitting metal began again.  

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