Chapter 13

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My father was enjoying his breakfast in the dining hall this morning. The guards nodded to us before opening the doors and announcing our arrival. My father turned to smile at me, but then frowned upon seeing the redness around my eyes. His gaze was inquiring but I ignored him and sat down in the chair that Zaus had politely pulled out for me. "Actually Zaus", my father began right before I interrupted him. "It's not his fault father. Please, leave him be."

Father studied Zaus and me before giving a reluctant sigh, "All right, but you must tell me what happened at a later time." I nodded my head in response as Zaus gave me a glance full of concern. I mustered a smile and looked at the spread of waffles, toast, and eggs that were on the table. Father just had a tea cup at his seat, but it wasn't hard to guess what was in it. I reluctantly took some food while Zaus loaded his plate up.

I had just gotten through my first plate when Zaus was done with his second. I glanced at him with a slightly raised eyebrow and he held his hands up, "What? I'm a growing boy." A small smile came to my lips, 'That sounds like something-', my face fell again at the thought of Flame. Zaus saw my change in expression and grimaced apologetically. I forced a smile and shook my head, "It's not your fault", I mouthed. Zaus smiled back, but his eyes showed how much he didn't believe me.

Father coughed and Zaus quickly wiped his mouth, "I'll take that as my cue", He said before standing up. I'll be waiting in the garden if you need me", Zaus whispered to me before leaving the dining room. Father waited for his step to recede before turning to me with an expectant expression. I sighed and met his gaze," Flame and I had a fight yesterday and he left. He still wasn't back today and I don't know if he ever will", I said as I bit my lower lip to keep it from trembling.

My father's expression softened and he reached across the table to place his hand on top of mine, "I know how close you and him were, but maybe this is a good thing." My eyes narrowed and I quickly moved my hand out from his, "What do you mean", I said with a voice at the brink of anger. My father held up his hands, "Don't take it the wrong way. I'm not glad that he left, but this might be a good thing now that you and Zaus are getting married." My hands tightened into fist and I rose out of my chair, "I can't believe you", I hissed.

Father got ready to say something but a deep growl rumbled from my chest, "I don't want to hear anymore. Flame meant more to me than you will ever understand", I said as I looked at him with my,now, scarlet eyes. Father got up to touch my shoulder but I moved out of the way. "Raven wait-" Father shouted after me as I reached for the door. I ignored him and slammed the door behind me.

Servants quickly scurried out of my way as I made my way towards my room. The guard who was posted at my door just moved aside as I stormed in and slammed the door. I knew I was being childish, but at the same time I was angry at my father for pretending Flame didn't matter. I went and sat on my bed, bringing my knees up to my chest, as I felt warm tears spill out of my eyes. I layed my head on top of my knees and wrapped my arms around myself as I continued to cry.

A knock on the door caused my head to shoot up and wiped my eyes, "Yes", I croaked out. There was a pause and then a familiar voice answered, "It's me Raven....May I come in", Zaus asked with a cautious tone. I bit my lip and stared at the wall as I felt unsure of what to do. Somehow letting Zaus into my room felt like a betrayal to Flame. "I'll just sit there and won't even make a sound if you don't want me to", Zaus said. I looked down at the floor before nodding my head slowly, "Yeah. Come on in", I said as I wiped my eyes.

Zaus entered my room cautiously and he knelt by my bed so he could look up at me, "What happened", he said with concern in his voice. I gave a cold laugh, "Apparently the only one in this place who saw Flame as more than just a tool was me" ,I said with a bitter tone. Zaus tilted his head, "What do you mean?" I just shook my head and Zaus frowned, but didn't push the subject.

We sat in silence for a while before Zaus spoke again, "Do you love him?" The question caught me by surprise and my head shot up. My eyes were wide as I sputtered, "W-w-what are you talking about?" A sad look flitted across Zaus's face for a second, but it was gone just as quick as it had arrived. "Nothing. Never mind it was a bad question to ask", he mumbled before standing up and heading towards the door. I stood up and followed him, "where are you going", i asked in a panicked tone. Zaus turned to look at me before shaking his head and giving me a small smile, "Just for a breathe of fresh air. I'll be back", and it was with that statement that he closed the door behind him.

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