Chapter 5

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I sit and look out the window, tonight's the night of the ball and the night that I announce my engagement to Zaus. I sigh, my ever lingering hunger is still with me from that day, but it hasn’t reached unbearable yet.  I hear a chuckle and a deep voice behind me, “I told you, you should’ve fed.”

I look at Flame and smile, “You look quite dashing tonight, sir.” Flame’s cheeks get a slight pink color and he looks away. “Yeah, well it is a ball after all.” I laugh and then look down at my dress.

It’s blood red and very form fitting. Every curve is emphasized and I smile. I look down at my tall black heels and then into the mirror. I put my hair up in a bun and turn to Flame, “Okay, let’s go!”

We walk through the halls and I can already hear the music. I catch a whiff of hunter in the wind and I turn around. No one is there so I shrug; It must be coming from the ballroom.

As we walk the scent doesn’t change with distance.

‘You smell that?’

Flame looks at me and gives a slight nod.  I hear something fall and I spin around, “Okay, Come on now you’ve had your fun, but its time you come out and play.”

A figure comes out from the shadows and towards us. Flame steps in front of me and stares the figure down. “What is your business with the princess?”\

The figure doesn’t answer and keeps walking towards us. “Halt” Flame commands, but the figure keep walking. Then, with a blink of an eye the figure is gone.

“What the-” I feel the figure come behind me just a split second before it’s too late.

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