Chapter 1

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                I crouch in the woods, taking in my surroundings, trying not to make a sound as I watch the graceful fox moving before me. Flame lay’s beside me and watches as well. We both study the fox’s movements so we can try and improve our stealth walk. After watching for a while I tap on mine and Flame’s bond “I’m going to try it now” I tell him in my thoughts. Flame looks at me and shakes his head. “No Raven don’t, at least wait a little longer that way, even if you mess up we will have learned all we could have” he says. I stick my tongue out at him “geez thanks for the moral support” I send to him before blocking my thoughts once again. He sighs and shakes his head one more time, but I ignore him as I start to sneak closer.

So far so good I think to myself as I sneak closer and closer, but then I stop and catch my breath as I hear a twig snap and the fox looks up.  I tense up and stay still wondering what made that sound. I expand my senses and hear someone walking towards me and hiss. The only vampire I know of who makes that much noise is my father’s annoying consultant, Maxwell. I sigh and stand up making the fox run off in fear. Flame gets up and comes to stand beside me as I lean against the tree, waiting.

Pretty soon Maxwell appears panting heavily out of breath “why must you come all the way out here I just don’t understand” He mumbles before delivering his message “ His highness The king has sent me to fetch you. He says that you are to come home now as you are needed”. I sigh and push myself off the tree

“I understand and will arrive shortly, I just need to take care of something first” I say.

 “But his highness said it was up most importance, ” he says.

 “Yes and I understand that and I will show up I just have something I must take care of first” I say as I start walking in that direction.

 “Now just you wait a minute” He says as he grabs my arm but quickly lets go as Flame snarls at him. 

“I suggest you go Flame is not happy right now and when he is not happy I am not responsible for the consequences” I say devilishly. He gulps and takes off quickly using his vampire speed which to be honest is slow for a vampire. Once he is gone, I laugh and smile at Flame “that gets him every time” I chuckle and Flame wags his tail. I then go and stop at mine and Flame’s secret cabin to drop off the herbs I have collected for magic before opening the portal to go back to the castle. “Are you ready boy, ” I ask Flame he nods and rushes through the portal and I jump in after him.

 We arrive shortly in front of the castle. Its gray stones sparkle in the sun as Flame and I walk towards the entrance. The large red doors open outward as we enter the castle courtyard. Once Flame and I get past the doors the slam shut. I look up at the blue, cloudless sky and sigh. Flame licks my hand and I pet his head as we continue forward. Servants bow as I pass “your highness” they greet me as we pass. I nod my head and smile at them in acknowledgment and arrive in front of the throne room where I can sense my dad’s mind. The guards open the door for us and we walk in, but I soon stop. I hiss and my fangs slide out as Flame growls and bristles beside me.  

“Venator” I hiss as I look at the two strangers, “why are they here”? The older Venator stays sitting, but I notice the younger one is up and ready to attack.

“Retreat your fangs, sit down, and act civil” my dad commands. I glare at the Venator but otherwise keep my stance. “Now” my dad booms and I hurriedly sit down, but not before hissing once more. I slide my fangs back up as Flame growls once more and his fur flattens as he comes to sit beside me. The younger Venator stays standing up while glaring at me.

“What’s your problem “I snap.

 “Zaus sit down” the old Venator commands as he looks at the younger one. Zaus sits back down as he continues to glare at me. I glare back as my dad starts talking

“Now time for introductions” he says acting like nothing happened. My dad waves his hand in the old Venators  direction “Raven this is Charles” he says. Charles bows his head respectfully,“much obliged”, he says.

“The pleasure is all mine” I say with a smile as I turn my head from the young Venator and bow my head as well.

“And this charming young man is Zaus” my dad says. I turn my head and we start glaring at each other again until he smirks and holds out his hand “Nice to meet you” he says. I smirk back and take his hand as we both squeezes each other’s hand “It is my pleasure” I say. We let go and he flex’s his hand as I continue to smirk.

 “Oh, and let’s not forget the big news of the evening, which is that you two are now engaged” my father says. I laugh “good one dad, but what’s the real news” I ask. I start to get worried as he remains silent and serious. Realizing he is not joking, I get up and push my chair back, sending it slamming into the wall behind me “What” I hiss. Zaus jumps out of his chair at the same time “You never said I was going to marry that” he yells at Charles as he points to me. “Join the club” I yell back starting to get angry. “There is no way I can marry that... That monster” Zaus continues. I hear that and snap, my eyes turn red and my fangs slide out. “You are the real monster” I snarl at Zaus, who turns to me with narrowed eyes getting ready to retort when my dad slams his hands on the table. My eyes turn to back to green with the shock as my dad yells “enough, you two are going to get married and that is final. Now sit down and behave”.

 Zaus and I sit down as my father relaxes and smiles. “There will be a ball in six months time to announce your engagement, but until then you two shall spend some time together  so people are used to seeing you two as a couple and the engagement doesn’t seem like something out of the blue” my father concludes. “Oh, this just gets better and better” I mumble unhappily at the table. “You are dismissed” my dad says, looking at me. I curtsey “as you wish, my lord, ” I say with a forced smile. “You are dismissed as well” Charles says to Zaus. “As you wish father” Zaus says as he bows at the waist.

I turn and start to walk towards the doors when my father stops me again ”Raven why don’t you show Zaus around” he says. “Oh, that would be wonderful, he would love that, wouldn’t you Zaus” Charles says looking at Zaus.

“Yes, I would thank you” Zaus says with a forced smile. Realizing I’m not going to get out of this I sigh and call Flame over.  He gets up and walks with me, but not before passing by Zaus and growling. I walk towards the doors, but not before looking over my shoulder at Zaus and saying”okay, let’s go and you better keep up”.

“You don’t need to worry about that” Zaus says a slight challenge in his voice as the guards open the door for us. I raise an eyebrow as we walk out, but can’t help but smile as the doors close behind us. 

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