Chapter 12

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 I had been awake for a few hours the next day when I heard a knock at the door. I went to get it but the nurse pushed me firmly back on the bed before going to the door. I could make out Flame and Zaus's voices as they asked the nurse for permission to come in. The nurse turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

 I nodded my acceptance and the nurse gave a resigned sigh, "Come on in", she muttered. Zaus and Flame quickly rushed to my bed, "Raven! are you alright", they asked at the same time. They both glared at each other and I smiled softly, "I'm fine, thank you for your concern. I was just a bit tired is all."

 "Tired from not feeding is more like it. This had better not happen again princess or I am afraid I will have to alert your father", the nurse said shaking her finger at me.

"I bowed my head in apology, "I am sorry and it won't happen again."

 The nurse shook her head and took out the I.V. "It had better not. Just because you are-" Flame coughs and gives a subtle shake of his head no. The nurse stops for a second and then understanding shines in her eyes before continuing, " Anyways please be careful and eat the blood your body needs your highness."

 "I understand. We will take our leave now", I say motioning for both boys to follow me out of the rest area.

  Once we are out in the hallway Flame turns to me with fire burning in his eyes as he looks at me. I got ready to say something but Flame snapped, "I want you to understand something. I repeatedly asked you to eat and you refused. I understand that you don't want to eat but putting your life in danger is not the answer. It is my responsibility to look after you and you refuse to take my advice. "

 Flame is advancing towards me angrily and Zaus puts himself the middle. "I understand why you're angry. I'm just as angry but you need to lay off. This isn't the way to handle it. "

Flame narrows his eyes at Zaus, "Oh and you know so much about her? I've known her for way longer than you so I suggest you back off", he says giving Zaus a shove.

 Zaus stumbles a bit but doesn't hit me. He tightens his fist and then shoves Flame, "No. Last I checked your just her body guard and I'm a prince. I suggest you rethink your position."

 Flame snarls and pushes Zaus up against the wall and draw a fist back. "No! Stop it" I scream. Flame pauses and then drops Zaus to the ground. Zaus brushes himself and Flame starts to walk off.

 I go to chase after him but he stops me with his cold glare as he turns to look at me. "Don't Raven. I've had enough."

 "But Flame-"

 "Enough!" He sees me flinch and looks down at the ground, "I'm sorry", he whispers before leaving the hall.

 I stand there and tears start to gather in my eyes. Zaus goes to put his hand on my shoulder but I slap it away. "I'm just going to escort you to your room. So stay strong till then", he says softly as he offers me his arm. I nod and keep my head down as he leads me to my room.

 He opens my door and I walk inside. "I didn't mean for it to end like this", he says softly to my turned back.

 "I know but for now please leave"


 "Leave" I shout angrily at him.

 He bows gracefully to me, "I understand. If you end up needing someone I am here for you. Just remember that", he says before closing the door softly behind me.

 I collapse to the ground and start balling. Flame never came back that night and I ended up eventually falling asleep.I awoke to sunlight and looked to where Flame usually slept in demon form. I tentatively reached out for our bond but was meant with a steel wall that I couldn't push past.

 I walked very slowly to my closet and changed before going to my mirror and looking at myself. My navy hair was disheveled and my eyes were grey colored and puffy. I sighed and brushed out my hair knowing I couldn't stay in my room all day. I walked over to the door but couldn't make my hand grab the door knob. It was then that I heard a knock at the door and flung it open hoping it was Flame.

 "Sorry. It's me." Zaus said apologetically as he saw my downfallen face. I looked up at him apologetically, "I'm sorry I didn't mean-" He held up a hand, "It's alright. I came to escort you to breakfast. I didn't think it was right to leave you to face the day by yourself."

 "Thank you", I said softly.

 Zaus smiled softly at me, "I couldn't bare to call myself a gentleman if I did that." My lifts lifted barely in a smile then turned back into a frown as I sighed, "You didn't think he would come back did you."

 Zaus gave a sigh, "I'd be lying if I said I thought he would come back."

  I nodded, "Thank you for being honest", I took a determined breathe and raised my head high as I closed the door. I couldn't let those in the castle see their next ruler in such a state. Zaus looked knowingly at me and offered me his arm again. I took it and he started to lead the way to where my father was having breakfast.

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