Chapter 10

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The guard in front of the door motions for Flame and I to stop as he knocks on the door. We let the Venators keep their guards posted in order to make them feel at home. "Come in" is heard from inside the room and the guard motions for us to enter. I walk calmly into the room with Flame following closely behind. Through our bond I can feel his unease and I send soothing thoughts in response.

Zaus is looking outside his window with his arm resting on the wall and his head leaned into his hand. I feel my heart flutter for a second but I ignore the trembling in my chest. He turns towards us and frowns at the sight of Flame.

"I would like to speak to the princess alone."

Flame shakes his head, "Fat chance. There is no way I am leaving her with you", Flame says pointedly at Zaus.

Zaus and Flame both turn to me, but not before glaring at the other. I shake my head and motion towards Flame. "Anything you have to say to me, Prince Zaus, can be said in front of him. He is my most trusted guard and knows how to keep a tight lip."

Zaus's mouth tightens at my response but says no more about the matter. "I wanted to ask your forgiveness for last night. I overstepped my boundaries and I made you feel like a monster. I had no intention of doing so and I promise that what I said was my honest feelings," Zaus said as he reached for my hand.

I move my hand out of his reach and I refuse to look at him. "Do not worry I know that your emotions for the time were just in the moment. You have no reason to apologize as it was I who was going to bite you not the other way around. "

Zaus shakes his head, "You have it wrong Raven I meant what I said. You can bite me."

Flame growled and got between me and Zaus. "Hold up. Just who do you think you are? Raven is not eating because of you and that stupid deal. Now you're telling her it's okay and to bite you? Just back off and leave her alone."

  Zaus looks at me wide eyed with concern, "You aren't eating? Why? I never meant that you couldn't eat! I just wanted to be aware of when you were eating so I could judge for myself the compassion vampires have for their food."

I waved my hands in front of me, "No you have it wrong. I just try to hold off on eating blood for as long as I can. I don't want to feed from others if I don't have to you. I admit it has been longer than normal, but I'm fine!" I got ready to flash across the room, "Watch I can still run", I went to but collapsed to the ground as my vision swarmed.  Flame and Zaus hovered over me as everything went black.

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