Chapter 4

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                We walked through hallway after hallway until finally I stopped a maid. “Do you happen to know where Prince Zaus is?” She directed me to the garden and I started heading that way. Flame followed behind me and I stopped upon scenting him.

                I heard a voice and spun around. “What were you hoping to get a quick bite, ” he taunts. I roll my eyes, “Yes, that is exactly what I was coming to do.” He narrows his eyes, “Who is that”, he asks in reference to Flame.  “This is my personal guard. He protects me from any and all threats.”

                Zaus nods slightly and looks me in the eye. “So what if I attacked you?” Flame takes a step forward,’No’,  I think to him and he stops. “Then that would be a very bad mistake” I say with narrowed eyes.

                The tension in the air seems to grow tighter and tighter. I’m worried about what’s going to happen when Zaus starts chuckling and then laughs. “Cute, but don’t worry, I’m not that stupid. I know not to attack my enemy on their home turf.”  I smirk, “There may be hope for you yet.”

                We are both staring each other down when we hear people walking down the hallway. I rush over and hook my arm through his. Flame drops back the proper distance and we look like we are taking a normal stroll.

                “They are a good match”, I hear someone whisper, “yes, but from what I hear they aren’t exactly happy. I mean, come on, what is the king thinking putting two species that aren’t meant to get along together? I just don’t understand it” the second person whispers back.          

                We wait for them to pass before both of us jump back. “Yuck, I smell like hunter” I say with my nose scrunched up. “Well, you don’t smell to peachy either” Zaus retorts.

                I shoot him a dirty look and he just smirks before sobering up. “So what did you actually want from me?”  “Well”, I hesitate before sighing and telling him, “I think we should do as requested of us.”  Zaus narrows his eyes in suspicion. “And why would I do this? What’s in it for me?” “well, you will become instantly rich”, he doesn’t look convinced so I said the one thing I knew would work, “and you’ll be prince which means you can put any vampire who breaks the law to death. So that means you’ll get to kill a lot of vampires.”

                He seems to consider this for a bit. “I see, and why do you want to go through with this?” I sighed, “Because I am the princess and my father said something that really struck home. I need to do what is best for the kingdom and its people.I shouldn’t focus on my selfish wants.”

                Zaus looks wide eyed and I sneer. “What? Surprised Vampires can show compassion? Believe it or not we are more compassionate than humans. Even though we feed on humans, it doesn’t mean we care any less.”

                He looks at me for a while before giving a brief nod. “I’ll do it on one condition.” “What’s that?” “You have to let me spend an entire month with you and show me this compassion you all supposedly have. If I agree and am able to see some sign of compassion by the end of the month, then I will agree to your deal. If not-“, he doesn’t continue and I nod in understanding. “You have a deal” I say with a small smile.

                He smiles back and then walks off. It was then that a breeze of air blew my way carrying his scent. I felt my fangs and throat start to burn. Flame was by my side in an instant. ‘I’m fine’ I send.

‘Raven you need to feed.’

‘No, I don’t just get me back to my room.’


‘That’s an order’ I send in a harsh tone. He bows and leads me back to my room. 

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