𝐼. 𝑄𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑘𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠

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Shunpo here, how are you today? Here we are again for another chapter, and I'm already growing tired of writing this introduction.

Don't worry, it'll be longer than the prologue, though I still think it'll be quite short. However, if things go well, there will be more chapters to follow.

I'm really hoping this turns out well. So I'd better get going or else I'll be wasting your time. Good-bye!



The world is filled of secrets, and it continues to grow more complex. Then, all of a sudden, everything changed in a single night. A baby has been born, but it isn't just any baby.

The baby was glowing! A newborn baby with the power to radiate light from its body manifested the first superpower in Qing Qing City, China. Following this occurrence, numerous people all around the world began to exhibit various kind of superpowers, dubbed "Quirk".

While the cause of this event is unknown, it has been speculated that it was caused by the spread of a previously undiscovered virus carried by mice, despite the lack of hard evidence for this notion.

The beginning of this extraordinary era was marred by a breakdown of society caused by a sudden onslaught of criminals empowered by their newfound "superpowers," as well as prejudice against the new minority among ordinary people.

As a result of the chaos and unrest caused by the emergence of quirks, regular citizens chose to take matters into their own hands to restore order, and the first "heroes" appeared in the shape of Vigilantes, marking the start of the Vigilantes Era.

You're probably wondering what I'm talking about. What will our protagonist's quirk be? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Was it a strong or a weak force? Let's find out, shall we?

So begins the story!


Please welcome Izuku Midoriya!

Izuku Midoriya is a fourteen-year-old boy. Izuku is a little short for his age, with a round face framed by a short mess of fluffy dark-green hair that sticks up at odd angles around his head, casting noticeable dark shadows onto itself.

His eyes are large and somewhat circular, with irises the same green color as his hair, which can be very watery at times and is usually stretched quite wide, giving him a youthful, energized appearance.

He has a set of four symmetrical freckles in diamond shapes on each cheek, however despite these distinguishing features, he is frequently labeled as plain-looking by others.

Izuku is a shy, reserved, and polite young man who frequently overreacts to unusual situations with exaggerated expressions. Katsuki has looked down on him for years since he lacks a quirk, therefore he is originally characterized as insecure, tearful, fragile, and non-expressive.

Yes, the question from earlier was answered. Our protagonist, Izuku Midoriya, lacks superhuman abilities. He's just a "quirkless" kid, to put it that way.

𝐼 𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝐺𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑌𝑜𝑢 (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now