𝑉𝐼𝐼𝐼. 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑦 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑊𝑎𝑦𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒

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So, I've finally made a chapter upload schedule. I'd post mostly on Mondays and Wednesdays, though I'd post chapters on Wednesdays if I had a lot of free time. Though I do occasionally upload on Sunday or Saturday, I prefer to do so on Monday.

This is going to be a short chapter. At most, it will take 10 minutes or more. As a result, I may be able to upload this much sooner. And since we have a Semestral Break for a few days, I might upload on Wednesday, which is a shame because the Semestral Break was one week back then.

I intended to make this much longer, but I became burned out due to the overwhelming number of school assignments that needed to be completed. So that's it for the time being. Let's get started on a new chapter!




Before anyone could process what had happened, a massive explosion erupted. The zero pointer and a few buildings both came crashing down with a loud thud. The students are speechless and astounded by the amount of power used to destroy the zero pointer and a few nearby buildings.

The sheer power that had been released astounded Iida and the girl. A large shockwave had occurred during the explosion, pushing every student away. Both teens were still stunned, but were quickly brought back to reality when they noticed a familiar green head, but their eyes widened as he began to fall down. He was bloodied and unconscious. When Iida and the girl saw him fall, they were terrified.

The girl cut Iida off before he could finish his sentence. "Hey! Can you still run?! Bring me there so I can make him float!" the girl begged, shocking Iida. Iida saw determination and desperation in the girl's eyes as he looked at her. Iida responded with a nod and a determined expression on his face. "I can still use my quirk! I'll run at full speed! We need to save him!! Let's go!!!" he exclaimed as his engines began to fire.

"RECIPRO BURST!!!" With a blink of an eye, he dashed down to where the green head was falling. The girl had to brace herself in order not to fly away at the current speed. The green head was dropping like a stone. Even though he was a hundred feet in the air, he was still falling at a breakneck pace. Iida was approaching, and the girl was bracing herself. She had already used her quirk excessively, but she dismissed it because she was desperate to save the green head. They must push themselves to their limits in order to become the heroes they aspire to be.

Everyone's time seems to slow down. Even the judges stood up, terrified that the boy would die on that fall. A certain skeleton blonde was trembling and shaking, terrified by what had happened. When the zero pointer was destroyed, his eyes widened, but he quickly whipped his head towards the screen, where the green head was. Dread gripped him as he saw the broken and bloodied body of the aforementioned green head.

Even the principal was shaken by the power that lay waste on the battlefield, the same power that destroyed a sky scrapper-sized robot. He was nervous, but when he quickly looked at the other screen and saw a blue and brown blur approaching the destruction, he couldn't help but smile and sigh in relief, which drew the attention of a few judges.

𝐼 𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝐺𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑌𝑜𝑢 (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now