𝐼𝐼𝐼. 𝑂𝑛𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑡

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Okay, you might be wondering. How the hell do I upload chapters in such a short period of time? First and foremost, I have a lot of drafts. I'm not exaggerating. I just have so many stories, most of which are just drafts.

This is the only narrative I've ever had fun writing. And, yes, there are about ten chapters of this story already written, albeit unfinished. I just fix a lot of stuff and finish the chapter before uploading it, but I did delete some chapters that are just plain bad.

This is going to be a much longer chapter. Now, without further ado, let's get down to business. Let's get this third chapter started!




A thunderous voice erupted. He is a huge man with an equally muscular and well-defined physique, matching a typical western comic book superhero in appearance. His face is sculpted, with a strong jawline and sharp cheekbones, as well as bushy eyebrows. He has short blond hair that is swept backwards and has two distinct tufts that rise up over his head, one on each side. His muscular features cast a heavy shadow across his face on a regular basis, concealing everything but his piercing blue eyes.

The man then raised his right arm and prepared to strike the villain with a deadly blow. A battle cry was yelled by the man.

"TEXAS SMAAAASHHHHH!!!" The villain was yelled at by the man. Even though the punch did not hit the villain, there was still air pressure when he struck at the villain. The wind pressure alone is sufficient to harm the villain. The sludge then exploded into tiny pieces, releasing the trapped boy.

"Wait, what?!" The villain attempted to retort but was cut up by the insane blow from the unknown man.

"All Mi..." The boy was about to say the unknown man's name when he passed out. The last person he saw was a man with a smile that could put anyone at ease. 

The man then captured the slime villain by putting him in a bottle while the green head was unconscious, but he had no idea that the green head had been sent on a flashback.


A little youngster can be seen studying a well-known muscle man several years ago. Izuku Midoriya was the young man in question. He's watching a footage from the past. A video depicts a man in a skin-tight blue bodysuit beaming while saving hundreds of people.

"What again!? This video must have received thousands of views simply because you pressed the replay button, Izuku." A feminine voice spoke to the happy little boy.

"Mommy, come watch it with me!" Said the little boy.

""Just go ahead and watch it for yourself, okay? It's too frightening for mommy, honey." The boy received a response from his mother.

"Okay mommy!!!" Said the little boy.

The small guy was overjoyed. This video makes him want to jump up and down every time he watches it. He was ecstatic, and it was contagious. He's just a cheerful, innocent boy.

𝐼 𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝐺𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑌𝑜𝑢 (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now