𝐼𝑋. 𝑈𝑛𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑

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Hello, once more, human beings of his world! So, here's another chapter for you to enjoy. This may be a short chapter because I planned to include it in the chapter I released on Monday, but I don't want it to be as long as the entrance exam chapter. So I just deleted it and added it as a new chapter.

This will begin following the conclusion of the chapter on the entrance exam. Oh, I might do a time skip after a few chapters because it's taking so long I didn't realize it. Although I don't regret much of it because I enjoy writing the story, even if it's a little crappy.

I've completed the majority of my schoolwork, so I have a little extra time to finish this chapter. So, without further ado... Let's get started on the new chapter!




He yelled as he smashed the zero pointer and a few buildings along the way, but those aren't the only things he smashed. With the blink of an eye, a sudden burst of pain erupted from his body, ranging from bones cracking to bloodshot. He screamed in agony as a result of the sudden pain. And before he knew it, he was knocked out.

He awoke, but not in a hospital bed or in his own bed. He took a look around to figure out where he was. He could only see darkness. 'Am I dead?' he wondered in his mind. But his thoughts were cut off. "You're still alive," Midoriya jolted when he heard the voice. He has white hair that cascaded down his shoulder. He, too, had bright green eyes of a similar hue to Midoriya. He fixed his gaze on Midoriya's eyes, not averting his gaze.

The man in question was emitting a pleasant aura, which caused Midoriya to relax due to the friendly aura that the man was emitting. The man took a step forward before saying, "I believe I have spoken with you before, Ninth..." Midoriya was perplexed, but the voice sounded familiar; he just couldn't place it. "Perhaps I should explain why you're back in this dream of yours."

Midoriya wanted to respond, but he noticed a cloud of black smoke covering his lower half of his head, including his mouth. When he looked around, he noticed that his right hand was not engulfed in the black smoke. But then he remembered something. He then attempted to respond mentally, saying, 'Uh, sir, can you hear what I'm thinking?' Midoriya reflected to himself. The man simply chuckled before responding, "Yes, Ninth, I can hear your thoughts; well, this is your mind, so I can hear your thoughts."

"There's no need to be formal with me; please just call me, First; it's not time to learn my name yet, and we're running out of time," the man explained. Midoriya was still perplexed, but nodded in response. "You may not remember anything that happened, but let me tell you this: you activated One for All, and you did quite a bit of damage," he chuckled before taking another step towards Midoriya.

"The power you unleashed was unlike any other. It has grown over the years. And One for All will continue to grow inside you. Train and get stronger to harness this power that has been bestowed upon you. We will meet more in the future once this power has grown in your body. It's a good thing that we have met but not in this kind of circumstance." He explained, leaving a few details for the future.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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