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Switching to my American accent now, ahem...

Gudday y'all, bout ta drop drop that bomb for ma good friend...


This one's for you buddy.



Shudder of fear more than the cold, Quintin watched her sit there unable to do anything, at the mercy of this woman dressed in black, it was all his fault, he didn't want it to end this way! Not this way!

Slowly the trigger was being squeezed, the hammer obviously poised ready to strike the pin, setting off the primer, in his mind it played off like a story of loss, she gone like that bullet about to leave the chamber, that powder in the cartridge igniting and burning away, building pressure in order to force that piece of lead down the barrel.

But Quintin flinched as a blur of a body came and grabbed the two arms lifting them to the sky, the twin 'pht-pht' sounded and the rounds rolled into the sky.

Victor brought a knee up and struck her hard in the spine making her wail, Quintin wasn't one to support a man who struck a woman... His thought's of that vanished when Hali recuperated and swung her entire body up, clenching her knees around his head then twisting, swung on him.

Flabbergasted Quintin saw the brawn of a Victor fly over Silvia who went to her feet as this happens.

'Now!' Quintin thought, he will not allow this woman to level those pistols at Silvia again! He ran screaming and tackled into her.

But Hali bent herself and shoulders to his and slid back still on her feet, then brought a knee up to blast into his face.

Quintin grunted arching over to his back, blood from his nose sprayed as he spat.

"Run Silvia!" Somewhere he heard Victor yell.

Blurred eyes he looked to see the two dart into the curtain of falling snow, then soon Hali was after them.

Victor was now confusing Quintin, saving Silvia? Sure he must have seen she was the one in danger, but risking his life to do so?

Up despite his tearing eyes and throbbing bleeding nose he set after them, now it was back to tag team, he will help Victor overcome this woman!

There was as usual no clap, but Quintin heard that rumble again of a bullet breaching the speed of sound, right, they went this way! The alley was an 'L' shape, he came around there she stood with her back to him, he brought and arm round her beck and locked it there screaming a war cry to pump adrenaline into his choke hold.

Hali only bumped her hips back and pulled forward, Quintin saw dumbstruck himself go over her and land on his back heaving as the air left his lungs.

Squinting he saw that military boot come down to stomp his face but Victor had his foot and tucked him away quickly, Quintin slid over the black iced alley and bowled Silvia from her feet.

The action suddenly doused when Quintin got to his feet, still wheezing to fill his knocked lungs, he watched Victor size her up then fell in next to him.

"Stick Lara Croft man, she's a terminator sent from the future to kill us all!" Quintin said wiping the blood from his nose, Victor couldn't help slip a laugh.

Out the corner of his eye he saw Victor also wipe some blood from his mouth, this woman able to make Big Vic bleed? Astounding! Now it would be nice to say 'Silvia show us some of that strength' since the two pistols are missing, Victor must have disarmed her.

"I suggest you go Quintin, take Silvia with you" Victor said.

"No man, we tag team this terminator" Quintin said lifting his fists, though he couldn't help hearing uncertainty in his voice, or was it agitation?

Hali brought her fingers to he face "Oh~ you two big boys won't pick on a girl would you?"

Victor usually the one with witty comebacks remained quiet but Quintin still wanted revenge for his whistling bloody nose "Girl!? You are kicking both our asses! It's time to change up to our favour!"

She smiled and drew two knives from the back of her belt.

"Ah crap"

"Then I'll even it again" she said spreading her legs wide to launch.

Victor had to buy time, it worked better when Quintin came, but there was a reason he wanted his best friend to leave here now, the moon is out...

Quintin heard a familiar sound of popping bones next to him, he saw shocked Victor bend over and just like Silvia, shift, but his size didn't just double, it tripled, Quintin was horrified, Silvia looked like a husky compared to this thing!

He tried his best to cap the grunts and growls, wanting actually to have been in the forest by now, but it couldn't be helped, here in the alley behind the old bait shop, all Victor had to do was clamp shut and noiselessly bare with the pain.

Hali took a step back, her eyes still in his, she showed no fear, limited to whispers and normal talk Victor drew his fangs open, sprung his three inch claws and snarled as deeply and low as he could, a clear threat.

Hali still didn't move, but her face spelled contemplation, especially when Silvia fell in next to Victor, also full wolf.

"You think I'm scared?" Hali asked "A lot has changed since we last met Victor"

He moved in and swung but agile like a cat she was under his hissing claw then up, kicked from his shoulder and leapt onto a roof nearby.

The two wolves had fangs to her but she seethed her knives "There won't be a next time" she said and left them.

Victor brought his indigo glare down to Silvia who dropped her ears, then he turned to Quintin, but...

"Where is he!?"

Silvia didn't even realise he wasn't there anymore "He, must have fled"

Author's Note:

Boom! You probably didn't expect Victor to be the alpha hey!?

It seems he and Hali had a run in with each other, next chapter coming soon.

Thanks for the support.

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