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You know how people say you don't understand the importance of something until it's gone forever from your life

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You know how people say you don't understand the importance of something until it's gone forever from your life. Well, I now understand what they meant by it, but instead of ''gone from my life" It's more like ''ripped out of my life" and the worst part is I never got to tell, that I understand the importance of them in my life.

Just thinking about them brings the memories back like some trailer of a beautiful family movie but then towards the end, the tragic night flashes back and tears start to brim under my eyes I try my best to choke back the sob rising from my throat, after a while of crying my eyes out and exhausting myself I thought that maybe I would be done crying that maybe I used up all my tears but the first drop that slides from my eyes and traces through the path of the dried tears and hangs from the tip of my chin hanging there in a sort of mocking way like its teasing me about the series of events that happened. And then it lets go and drops onto my palm that rests on my lap as I sit on the floor like I have been since I got the news.

That cold sensation that I felt on my palm was like a trigger was pulled and something broke in me again and with that several tears followed the same fate. Even though the tears, my red eyes, the dark circles under my eye my disheveled hair and my pale face, and my complete posture would alert anyone who looked the way that I was crying and In pain, my facial expression said something else the thoughts in my head, said something else.

My face was blank and unmoved other than the occasional blink of my eye to let the chain of tears flow without that movement one would think I was a very realistic horribly expressed life-size doll. My mind was like the busy streets of New York City on a Monday morning. I was a stranger in my own mind unaware of the harm I was doing oblivious to the torture and pain I was putting myself through and completely avoiding the inevitable truth that was put before me. For a moment I thought maybe I don't have to accept the truth maybe even I can let go. The thought wandered around my mind taunting me showing me an escape from reality. For a moment I let the thought settle in I tried living it but then like ice-cold water was poured over my head I snapped out of my trance threw the thoughts aside and looked up to the source of my awakening.

In front of me stood two blurry figures both short and small bodies I was confused for a moment I couldn't quite process who or what it was and why it caused me to have such a reaction I felt something warm brush under my eyes and clear my vision I felt something brush my hair back so that there was no barrier to my line of sight and then I heard the voice a whisper someone uttering something, more specifically someone uttering something to me. Then I heard the first whisper ...


And then my vision cleared the figures turned pitch black at the first blink and then my vision became fuzzy but everything was turning clearer as the seconds passed like my eyes were adjusting to my vision and then I saw it more like saw them the identical pair of hazel green eyes also red and puffy disheveled appearance but unlike me millions of emotions running through those eyes enough to drown you, eyebrows furrowed concern clearly etching their face making them look so much older than their innocent young age. Then I heard the voice again but this time more panicked more desperate like it is hanging onto a thread-thin as a spider's web likely to break any time...

''S-Seph come back P-Please, don't l-leave us not y-you "

That woke me up from my deep shock that voice that I could recognize anywhere. The voice that held mischief and happiness till last night has, become shaky and likely to break anytime. And then for the first time since the hell that broke loose, I spoke.

''A-Ace?? "

My voice came out broken and raw like someone scraped the flesh out of my throat like I was deprived of voice. And then I felt two small arms wrap around my torso and a face buried into my neck and strangled sob escaped his throat as he repeated my name I quickly wrapped my arms around his small figure pulled him closer to me in an attempt to somehow absorb his pain take it away and then I felt another force collide into me knocking me down and taking both of them with me but at that moment it didn't matter because all we needed at that moment were each other. We were holding onto each other like all the pain will disappear as all the problems will vanish away. We wished this to be a nightmare that we could wake from in the morning and forget all this. But reality can often be disappointing and ...

The very real dead bodies of our parents lying in front of us were enough proof that this was not a nightmare this was worse because you can wake up from a nightmare but you can't run away from life because life will catch up eventually and that's what, it won't be pretty.

We stayed like that holding onto each other somehow praying to God to give each other the strength, but most importantly holding onto each other as an assurance that we still have each other. The twins held onto me for dear life almost depriving me of oxygen with the way they were holding me but I couldn't care less because their tight hold reminded me what I still had, reminded me of my responsibilities, my reasons, my family.


That was the end of chapter 1 people I hope you liked it

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That was the end of chapter 1 people I hope you liked it. I will be updating after every 2 days so hold on.

much love

your author :)

your author :)

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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚂𝚘 𝙰𝚌𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕 Where stories live. Discover now