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The first thing I felt when I woke up was the warm light that hit my face, the position I was laying on was awfully comfortable, and even moving a finger felt very unnecessary

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The first thing I felt when I woke up was the warm light that hit my face, the position I was laying on was awfully comfortable, and even moving a finger felt very unnecessary. But I knew I had to get out of bed to greet the world and remind them of my existence and to shush my now growling stomach.

With a final battle in my head debating with my options to starve myself the whole day so I could be in bed without interruptions or get up and be useful, I choose the latter.

The moment I opened my eyes I was greeted with the bright rays of sunlight making me shut them just as quick, the sudden light affected my vision making it a slight red under the eyelids, I blinked one twice thrice to get used to the light then with huff got off the bed and opened the blinds all the way. I expected to see birds flying around and singing sweet melodies the air being warm and breezy and the trees swinging with the push of the light breeze.

But my life is no fairy tale I was greeted by our neighbor mowing his lawn people on their morning walk kids on their bikes, the lady next door taking out her trash, not the typical fairy tale mornings but its better than being greeted by brick walls instead of the sky, it's an improvement.

The chilling autumn breeze woke me up from my daydream goosebumps surrounded my skin the moment it hit me I closed the window and wrapped myself in the sweater that was laying around on my chair. I made my bed freshened up took a shower and headed down to make breakfast. I peeked into the twin's rooms to find them both still knocked out so I thought I had some time to prepare before the cranky monsters arrive.

I made it to the kitchen pulled out all the necessary ingredients for making pancakes, putting on an album by One Direction, I started making the batter while gliding through the kitchen.

Around 30 minutes had passed when I heard the pitter-patter of small feet's running up to the kitchen then suddenly I heard a loud thud like a body colliding with the floor with much force. I knew the source of the thud and was unaffected by it as there was no harm done to the receiver.

Then I was greeted by the bright cheerful face of my sister. Flushed pink cheeks and wild unbrushed black hair hanging loosely by her shoulder. She was barefoot and was in her Alice and the Wonderland pajamas, her favorite book at the moment. Eyes red from being rubbed multiple times in an attempt to remove the sleep from her system. Nose red due to the cold. She was gasping for air and was taking in large breaths at a time result of her rush downstairs. After the much-needed observation of her wild just woke up look I spoke up to her.

''Did you brush your teeth?'' I asked her while pouring their warmed milk into a glass.

'' I WON!!!!'' she cheered out behind her shoulder and then turned to me '' yes I did''.

Ace came in rubbing his butt and his face scrunched up. His appearance was much more fixed up. Black fluffy hair combed away from his face but still in his iron man pajamas. He looked like he had washed his face so I guessed he was done with brushing his teeth. But one new thing to his appearance was the burning glare he was giving his sister. If looks could kill Avery would be long dead by now.

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