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➳ Hello to anyone that is reading this I hope you are having a good day and if you aren't then my strength is with you you will pull through this too don't worry; better times are on the way just keep swimming (I love you if you got the reference) :)

So, as you guys might have noticed it's been a few days since I last updated my books both (NOT SO ACCIDENTAL) and ( OVERLOOKED) which was previously named ( BETWEEN THE BOOKSHELF).

So I'm here to adress a few things regarding the same. I'll just get into it :-

1. THE NAME CHANGE : So the name change was not impulsive I had been thinking about changing the name for a while now, when I first came up with the idea of the book the name I had given before (BETWEEN THE BOOKSHELF) seemed fitting but once I dived deeper into the story and build the plot I realised that this story is so much more than 2 people falling in love, it's so much more than a romance novel and the cover and the name didn't seem to give justice to the book.
I spend this whole month working on the characterization of all the characters and I truly have connected with these characters; they all have a tale of their own a story that was overlooked, Hence why I decided to change the name and the name and the cover.
I know it might be confusing but trust me once you read the book you will understand what I am trying to say.

2. NOT SO ACCIDENTAL : So this book has been on hold for a while now and I get that I left you guys on a cliffhanger but things aren't good at the moment I'm dealing with a lot of shit ( I apologize for the cursing) academically, family wise and with my mental health due to which I'm not able to write.
It's not that I can't write I can I actually write better when I am struggling but it's that I don't have the time or when I do I'm too exhausted to operate. I feel like if I force myself to write the writing will come out forced and won't be the way I want it to and I have worked too hard for this plot to go to waste due to bad writing.
Don't worry I'm not deleting the book just am I putting it on hold but I am not promising an update any time soon I'm very sorry I just have to focus on myself for a while.

➳ I hope you guys understand that I have a life outside of Wattpad and it's important that I seperate this life and my life outside and make sure that one doesn't interfere with the other.

➳ I currently am at the most important part of my life and I really don't want to mess it up so I need to get my head straight and focus on whats actually important to me at the moment, which is why I'm putting both my books on hold TEMPORARILY I'll be back and I'll complete them but i need some time i cannot say how much because to be honest I myself don't know but let's hope that I get my shit together soon so that I can jump right back in to writing.

➳That's all I had to say and i really hope you guys have a great day ahead; I love you guys and I hope to see you soon.


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