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That was all I could see

Everything was so dark completely blackout dark, not the star-filled night dark but more like the darkness of nothing, empty darkness, the darkness that makes you sad.

Pain, that's what I felt next searing pain through my whole body, my head felt very heavy I couldn't move anything, it felt like I could feel everything but control nothing trapped in my own mind.

What had happened?

I could hear whispers around me and something holding me down.

I tried opening my eyes but the moment I opened them it shut as fast due to blinding lights.

"Shut the blinds she is waking up" I heard a voice whisper, and soon I heard the sound of blinds being closed.

"Come on open your eyes, slowly don't hurry" the voice was familiar, comforting I did what they said and took my time, slowly gradually I opened my eyes.

I saw 2 figures standing above me, blurred figures. I blinked a few times as my vision focused back and forth and finally, it cleared and I could properly see them both standing in front of me.


Relief flashed through her brown eyes and immediately I was tackled into a hug, I tried my best to hug her back but I was still recovering from the shock, what had happened? why was she here?

She pulled back and held my face between her palms, tears lining her eyes her disheveled form confusing me further.

"You bitch you thought you could just leave me like that"

My eyebrows pulled together as I was further confused.

"Do you know how terrified I was when I found you like that? I thought I lost you" she was angry, I could hear it in her voice.

But why? How did she find me, the last thing I remember-

And just like that everything came flashing back, the pain, the loss, the tears, the goodbyes the drowning; everything.

A tear fell from my eye as I looked up at her, I couldn't say anything what was I supposed to say?

"I-Im sorry" that's all I could say. She shook her head and brought me into a hug again and we both stayed there crying into each other's shoulder.

I almost ended it all, no I did end it all but I was saved. How?

A movement to my left made us both pull away, when I looked down, I saw Theo's small body wrapped around mine, our commotion woke him up and he pulled his head back to look at me his eyes widened and he paled as if he had seen a ghost, and soon I was wrapped up in a hug from him.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚂𝚘 𝙰𝚌𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕 Where stories live. Discover now