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I'm usually not the threatening violent moody brat type that's more of Akira's thing but there are moments when I just want to bash someone's face into the wall until their own mother can't recognize them and right now is one of those moments

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I'm usually not the threatening violent moody brat type that's more of Akira's thing but there are moments when I just want to bash someone's face into the wall until their own mother can't recognize them and right now is one of those moments.

"If this is some sick joke, then you better be ready to be my punching bag" my voice was laced with annoyance.

"It's not I swear" he insisted as he sat there on the couch while Akira and I glared down at him.

It had been 10min since we had let him in and the only thing I had given him was death threats while Akira supported me with words of encouragement by which I mean she promised to make it painful, but he sat through the whole thing with an amused expression on his face.

I was glaring daggers at him in an attempt that maybe one of those daggers will pierce through his head and open them up so I can really know if he is joking or not, maybe I can read his mind. I have never wanted to be Wanda Maximoff in my life more than now.

As I was dreaming of dissecting his brain Akira leaned into me and whispered "Maybe we should listen to what he has to say"

My head snapped to her so quickly that it caused a sharp pain to shoot up the nape of my neck but I hid it behind my astounded expression

"What are you crazy? what If he is lying?" I harshly whispered but she just shrugged and replied "Well we won't know until we know"

She was blocking my vision of the guy so I had to peer behind her head to see him sitting there on the sofa looking at us with a raised eyebrow, when our eyes connected, I gave him a scowl but he just responded back with a small smile.

I looked back at my best friend who had a pleading look on her face, the pouted lip, and soft eyes as she batted her lashes, it was really awful her face was not at all convincing but I couldn't look at it any longer so after I gave out a harsh groan and huffed "Okay"

She gave me a smile and swiftly turned back to the apparent guest "okay so after much discussion, we have decided to give you one chance at redemption" I almost facepalmed, why does she have to be so damn dramatic?

Before he could say anything, I clarified "what she's trying to say is start talking, you get one chance and if you mess it up you won't see the light of the day tomorrow"

He looked like he was contemplating his decisions but the hesitance soon disappeared and he nodded that he understood but still didn't speak up.

Akira fake coughed so that he would get the signal and he did "oh you should sit down for this one" I gave a slight huff and sat down at the single couch as Akira took the love seat opposite to me.

After a beat of silence, he started narrating.

"On 24th of October night, we had gotten a call from someone complaining about a huge commotion coming from the riverside beside their house so we had to go check it, I and my team of 5 were the only ones who went to check initially but once we got there and saw the condition of the bridge it was obvious something had crashed through it, so we had to send someone down into the water and that's when we found your parents car" the whole time he was looking at me to see if I reacted, if I was triggered, so when he stopped I knew he was asking if he could continue, I gave him a short nod of my head and with that, he took in a large breath of air and continued.

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