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It was the festival day. First they had to help the student council a bit. They ran errands as soon as possible so they could have as much free time as they wanted.

After fulfilling all their duties, they went on to enjoy the festival. They all were excited especially Y/N. They visited different stalls. The boys couldn't help but cooe at her cuteness.

"Can we please try this?" She said while pointing to the waffle stall. Before anyone could even answer, she took her purse out and bought 7 waffles.

"You didn't had to" Heeseung said as he politely took the waffle from her.

"Since you guys always feed me, it's my time now" She said as she took a bite out of her waffle.

Crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, she squealed in happiness. She savoured the taste, letting the cream melt in her mouth.

They all strolled around, being exposed to new foods. She gasped as she saw a photo booth.

"Let's try it" She jumped up and down, too happy to see the props set along the photo booth frame.

"What are you? 5?" Jay grumbled but the inner him was melting at how cute she was.

"STOP BEING A PAIN IN THE ASS PARK" She said while rolling her eyes. The boys just shook their heads and were ended up getting dragged by her.

The boys picked out different props. The blonde just wanted to get out of here. She noticed how the blonde was looking empty so she quickly grabbed a wig and placed it on his head.

Before he could even protest, they took a picture together.

"For once loosen up" she said while handing him a big pair of glasses.

"Pffttt..... BAHHAHAHHAH" They all tried to repress their laughter but failed miserably. The blonde just rolled his eyes in annoyance.

They took many pictures together. She ordered for 7 copies of today's pictures because she wanted everyone to treasure them. They all seemed pretty happy.

She gasped when she saw a eagle plushie. She dragged the boys with her to the new stall they just discovered right now.

"Can I have this one please" She said to the person managing the stall. She opened her wallet but frowned upon realizing that she had spent all her pocket money over food and boys. The boys noticed her saddened expression.

"I told you to spend your money wisely but you never listen" Heeseung said as he activated his dad mode.

"Whatever dad" she shrugged and giggled.

"I'll just buy it another time-" she was cut off by Sunghoon.

"Here" he shoved the plushie in her face. She looked up to see Jay paying for it. She squealed in content. She suddenly engulfed them in a hug.

"Thank you so much" she said as she tightened her hug. She quickly realized what she had done.

"Sorry" she mumbled as her face heated up.

"Aigooo..... It's okay" Sunghoon cooed. Jay pinched her cheeks which caused her to get even more flustered.

The time went by pretty fast. It was time for the cleanup. Everyone did their jobs.

"I'll place them back in the classroom" She said as she picked up a cardboard box. The blonde silently stood up and helped her. They made their way to the class.

"Place it on the desk" Jay mumbled, clearly panting from walking up the 5 flights of stairs.

"No place it on the side." She said knowing how it would take less place. They bickered like children when suddenly they heard some giggling and whispers. Jay went to check what was going on.

He pulled the door open but failed. He tried it again but in vain. He ran his hand through his hair in annoyance.

"Aish... Some students locked us in" Jay grumbled. Fear lightly clouded her mind as she tried her best to pull the door open.

"I'll call the boys" Jay said as he reached down in his pocket. He looked back at her in vain. He probably left his phone in his bag.

"Don't worry, it'll be okay" Jay comforted the silent girl. He didn't want her to feel alone.

"Why would someone even do that?" She said as she fiddled with her skirt. He sensed her nervousness. He went close to her and patted her shoulder.

"Probably some students but don't worry. You have the ALL MIGHTY JAY" He said as he flipped his non-existent long hair which caused her to chuckle.

They looked at the time. It was almost 10. She was worried. She wanted to get out of here. Just as he tried for the last time, the lights went out.

"D-did you do that?" She inquired as she fiddled in her seat, clearly uncomfortable and scared.

"I think the lights went out" He said as he made his way towards her desk. He couldn't help but look at her worried figure.

"Don't worry. The moon will keep us a nice company tonight" He groaned as he sat under the window, leaning on the wall.

He sat down because he figured how long it'll take their friends to figure out about both of them missing. The girl stared into nothing. Pure darkness, focusing on the corner of the room. Staring into nothingness~

𝙍𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙩𝙤𝙥 | 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙅𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝖻𝗒 𝖫𝖴𝖭𝖭𝖠 𝖡𝖮𝖮𝖬Where stories live. Discover now