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Author's POV:

The blonde opened his eyes when he heard some whispers. He looked at the time. It was midnight.

The boys tried their best to broke in. The couldn't find the key and the only way to inside was to break down the lock. Since the door looked pretty old, Sunghoon used all his power to kick it open. He succeeded. They rushed in to check on their friends.

"What did you do to Y/N Noona?" Niki said as he noticed her puffy eyes. He hated seeing her in pain.

"Nothing. She got scared" Jay replied while he picked her body in a bridal style.

"Let's go to my house. You all look tired" Jay said as he walked out of classroom. The boys could sense the tension in the air. Something did happen.

Upon reaching the Blonde's house, they all made their way towards his bedroom. He gently placed her sleeping figure on the bed while the others sat around her.

"Some students locked us in. She got scared" Jay sighed.

"I think the darkness triggered one of her suppressed memories. She was crying uncontrollably" He said while he stared at her.

"She mentioned how her uncle would hurt her. She said to save her" Jay said as he ran his hand through his hair. He told them everything.

"Looks like she had a rough past" Sunghoon said as adjusted the comforter on her body.

The boys were too busy worrying over the situation that they didn't notice her stirring uncomfortably in the bed.

"Y/N Noona" Niki reached out for her figure, trying to calm her down.

She suddenly woke up, heavily breathing and sweat gathering on her forehead. She hugged the person on her left.

"I'm scared" she said, tightening her hold because of fear of him slipping away.

"It's okay. You're here with us. I'll protect you" The blonde whispered, trying to calm her down.

"Here" Jake passed a glass of water to her. Calming herself, she drank a bit.

Her throat was dry from crying too hard. Her mind was a mess and at this moment she wanted to get things off of her chest.

"I... Dreamed about my parents leaving me" she fiddled with her sweater. The boys gave her their full attention.

"I saw them walking away from me. Then I saw you guys..." She couldn't help but let a few tears escape at the painful memory.

"You guys were leaving me too.... I cried and cried but you didn't come back. I begged for help but no one was there." She said fully breaking down. She just couldn't hold her tears in anymore.
The blonde grabbed her hand. Squeezing it a bit to give her a sense of comfort.

"We're here for you." Heeseung flashed a sincere smile.

"So about earlier......" Sunghoon spoke up as he tried to gather the right words in his mind.

"Your uncle..... Did something happen?" He tried his best to connect the words.

A different kind of silence engulfed them. They all stared at her figure still wiping the tears cascading down her cheeks.

"It's okay. You don't have to talk about if you're uncomfortable" Jungwon spoke up, clearly not wanting to make the girl uncomfortable.

"About my uncle" she sighed as she mentally prepared herself for the blooming heart wrenching memories.

"My aunt and uncle couldn't bear a child. My uncle became cold towards children since he didn't had one." She said while staring at the Blonde's hand which was busy rubbing circles on her hand as a sign of calming her down.

"When my parents died, my aunt took the custody case and raised me like her own child. My uncle on the other hand never liked me." She smiled bitterly at the excruciatingly painful memories, tears not wanting to stop.

"Whenever Aunt wasn't present at home, he would punish me for little things. Once he locked me in the dark small store room for a whole day because I broke a vase." She said as she drank water, her throat warning to close in.

The boys figured out from where she developed her hatred towards the darkness. The blonde was fuming mad.

"Once he locked me outside the house. I had to spend the night out in the cold." She said as she brought her knees towards her chest.

"All I ever wanted was to be loved" she whispered the last part as she lowered her head in pain and shame. She was ashamed that the boys got to hear her story.

"HOW COULD SOMEONE DO THAT TO A KID?" Jay yelled as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Don't worry. It's all in the past. Now we're on good terms. Uncle is hardly in town due to his business and Aunty is fine with this" she said as she flashed a broken smile.

"I'm sorry" she whispered not looking at anyone in the eyes.

"Why are you sorry?" Sunoo said, tone laced with worry.

"I'm sorry.... For being a burden. You brought me here, took care of me and always cheered me up. Yet here I am not being able to do anything" She said as embarrassment clouded her mind.

"Please Noona. We're glad that you exist and we're so happy that we met a pure soul like you" Niki said as he made his way towards the bed, engulfing her in a big warm hug. She couldn't help but shed a few tears.

"MISS GIRL DO YOU EVEN RUN OUT OF TEARS?" Jay exclaimed dramatically, trying his best to lighten up the mood. She couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Thank you for everything" she said.

"Come here my child" Jungwon said as he hugged her. Eventually this turned into a group hug.

The truth is, the guys couldn't imagine their lives without her now. They'd always make sure she was comfortable. She became a important part of their lives.

"Oh my god it's almost 3. I'm so sorry for bothering you guys" she gasped, clearly worried about how tired everyone was.

"Aish..... You're our family. Stop apologizing" Jake said while smacking her head which caused her to smile from ear to ear.

"Family sounds nice" she whispered shyly, playing with her sweater paws. The boys chuckled.

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