Lovin' you

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i'm sorry for the long wait yall and special announcement at the end!!! also this is like a little test to see how good i can write 😩

warning: use of gods name in vain for any of my religious babes 😩☝️

Y/l/n= your last name

"So, you wanna go to the nightly double tonight or somethin'?"

"I guess" You mumbled as you stood up to give your back a break.

BANG. A dirty converse rammed right into the locker making it shut tight. You stood up to your full height and scowled. "The fuck did you do that for Shepard?"

"Wanted to see you open it again," The grin on his face was aggravating. "Well, what are you waiting for, gotta clean out that locker."

You hooked up with him a good bit, even had feelings for him, but you wouldn't let him know that. "Shut up, asshole."

"Make me," He mocked. You ignored him as you got your books out. "Oh, I see how it is."

"Shut up, Curly" You sighed. Lidia was intrigued by the banter going on between you two. She leaned on the lockers.

"Make me" He repeated with a shit eating grin on his face. You two stared in each other's eyes. You hated him... yet you loved him so much.

It felt like a staring contest until he- he kissed you! "Oh my god! Y/n, you didn't tell me this was your new main squeeze!"

He let go of you and barked a laugh as he went over to his friends, fist bumping and roughhousing with his friends.

You put your fingers on your lips, too stunned to say anything. "Oh my god."

Lidia was too busy laughing her ass off next to you. "Oh my god, I can't breathe."

"Shut up!" You pushed her, burning with embarrassment. "It ain't funny."

She pushed you back as she wiped her tears. "Yeah it is." He strode back over to you two, his group of friends snickering behind him.

He backed you into the locker behind you and put his lips near your ear, he smelt like straight up cologne. "Meet me at the park, 5:00, don't be late."

He went back over to his squad and they sauntered away behind him. "Don't tell me your goin'?"

"Hell no, I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole."

"Sure honey."

"Oh my fucking god," You screamed as he rammed his dick into you deep. Looks like you were getting fucked with that pole.

It was supposed to be a goodbye kiss but now he was fucking you in front of your house. He had took you to the lake at the park and almost fell in like a doofus.

"Who's shuttin' up now?" He smiled as he slammed your ass down on his dick. Tim was gonna be livid that he took the truck for the fourth time.

"Say it," He said through gritted teeth as he held your chin.

"Me," You yelled. He sat you down on his cock so he could satisfy his urge to cum.

He had grew since the first time y'all did it so it was a bigger fit.  "Oh Curly, right there" You moaned. Your sticky and sweaty bodies pressed against each other as he brought you closer to him.

You rolled your hips on it as he started to give in. You couldn't keep it together anymore and turned into a moaning mess as a creamy mess poured out of you and all over his dick.

He finally gave in and filled you up so much it was gushing out of you. He looked deeply into your eyes, caressing your face. There was more than just lust in them. You got off him quickly.

"Uh, you got any napkins?" You say, trying to change the mood.

"Uh, yeah in the dashboard I think," He scratched the back of his neck and blushed. You grabbed the big wad out and handed him some. He had started put his clothes back on already.

You cleaned the mess off your belly and legs and put pants back on.

"Y/n Y/l/n!!" Your mother's voice rang through your head. You looked over to the passenger side and the handprint on the foggy window was an opening to see your mother's angry face. Of course she'd want to come out now.

"Oh fuck," You covered your chest and grabbed your bra off the ground, clipping it together. "Shit, Dad's gonna skin me alive."

"Am I gonna see you again though?" He sounded a little desperate in his voice. You stared at the ground as you put your shoes back on.

"Yeah," You nodded and smiled as you opened the door. He shoved a piece of paper in your hand and you put it in your pocket. Thankfully, your mom didn't have good eyes nor her glasses with her so she couldn't see a thing almost.

"Young lady, why were you with a boy so late?" She pulled her housecoat together as you stood on the porch.

"Ma, he's just a friend that offered to give me a ride home, promise," You reassured as you opened the door.

"And you didn't give him your cookies did you?" That had to be the most embarrassing thing she's said to you.

"No ma'am" You forged a smile. She smiled and caressed your face.

"Good," She tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "Now come inside, I made your favorite for dinner."

When she turned her back, you took the paper out of your pocket.

Call me sometime- 555-1280

You put it back in your pocket and closed the door, leaning on it with your eyes closed. You were woozy from love it felt like.

This boy made you crazy inside, but you weren't gonna let him know that- yet.

special announcement: okay so y'all i got a new fanfic book out, and tho i'm making edits on it, you can check it out, i prolly posted it too early but that's okay 😩

and what do you wanna see next? i promise i'll do your idea if you say and i would love to see y'all comment more so i can respond cause it's so fun 😭

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