The Plan

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The three of them left Nicole's hospital room. Stopping outside of her door briefly. The doctor was still in with the stranger, but they needed to talk about what's next for her.

"You need to stay here." Lawrence told Ronin. "Lynn and I will talk about what's next."

"Of course." Ronin never argued.

"I think we both know what we should do." Lynn stated to her husband.

"Oh yeah, and what do you think we should do?" Lawrence didn't like it when his wife was like this.

"I think that we should put Nicole with Ronin until we know if she's dangerous or not." Lynn said matter of factly.

"Excuse me?" Ronin growled, not liking that idea.

"Well... She seems comfortable with you. In the way she looked to you to see if taking my hand was safe. Plus, you're our strongest. I believe, if you wanted it, when Lawrence retires from being Alpha, you could take over." Lynn gave her reasons.

"I don't want to be Alpha." Ronin glared.

"I said, if you wanted." Lynn reiterated. "I still think you keeping an eye on Nicole would be the best idea."

"I don't like people and I have rounds to do." Ronin tried to reason.

"Ronin..." Lawrence finally spoke up. "I understand. We have never forced you to participate in anything when it comes to the pack. That being said, I do have to agree with Lynn."

Ronin ground his teeth. "Why?"

"With being comfortable with you, you might get the truth out of her. Whether it be what she told us or a story of another kind." Lawrence explained.

Ronin wanted to argue, but decided against it. "How long?"

"How about a month?" Lynn added.

"Explain..." Lawrence needed why.

"We have a few activities planned for the next month. Of course, Ronin will have to bring Nicole along to everything. If she seems untrustworthy, then it will show as you move around." Lynn pointed out. "If not, then she might just enjoy herself. Either of which would prove her motives."

"I like it." Lawrence smiled at his mate. "The two of you will be inseparable for the next 30 days."

"Then?" Ronin already started counting down the days.

"Then you will give a report and anyone else that interacts with her." Lawrence liked this idea.

"If it's good, then we'll see what she wants next. If not..." Lynn left the rest of her thought hang in the air.

"I agree then..." Ronin had 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 15 seconds until he's back to being left alone.


Lynn and Ronin reenter the hospital room after they talked. Lawrence had left to do what he needed to do as the Alpha. Ronin wasn't happy, but then again, he never was. It was Lynn that informed Nicole of their plan.

"So, we came up with a plan." Lynn started.

"Okay." Nicole readied for her next stage in life.

"You will stay with Ronin for the next month. He will watch your every move and update us with his opinion of you. If you prove trustworthy or not, will be decided after the month." Lynn blatantly told Nicole.

"Okay." Nicole understood.

"Have any questions?" Lynn wondered.

"Yes." Nicole felt embarrassed. "I don't own anything. How will I get clothes, toiletries, and other things of that nature?"

Lynn chuckles. "We'll get you some scrubs to wear, temporality. Then we'll head down Main street to get everything that you need."

"I don't have any money..." Nicole lowered her head. "I've never been able to make money, so I have none."

"That's not a problem." Lynn smiled. "Let's see if I can get the doctor to release you and then we'll head out."

Lynn left the room. Ronin stayed, leaning against the wall inside the door. He was just glaring at Nicole. This wasn't what he wanted or planned. He like being alone and not getting close to anyone. Secluded, peaceful, and able to do what he liked when he liked. That's what drove him. Now, he can't even shift and run through the trees without having to explain it all to her.

"I'm sorry." Nicole's voice broke through his brooding.

"Why are you apologizing?" Ronin growled.

"I can tell that you are a loner. Having me around is as close to losing your freedom as you can imagine." Nicole eyes never wavered. "I understand all too well about losing your freedom and I would never wish it on anyone."

Ronin doesn't understand this woman. In one breath she seems frail, scared, timid. Then the next she's smart, confident, and understanding. Is it because of her past? He needed to be careful. She could draw him in without him realizing.

Before Ronin could reply, Lynn returns with some folded clothes. "Okay. You are all set to go. I have a set of scrubs and some slip on shoes. The three of us will walk down the street to get what you need before Ronin takes you to his place."

"Thank you." Nicole stood up and grabbed the scrubs.

Turning around, Nicole pulls the old scrub shirt off. Excited to get into something that she hasn't been wearing night and day for almost a week. It wasn't until she heard Lynn's gasp, that she pulled the shirt to cover her breasts and turn around to see what was so shocking.

"Oh my god..." Lynn gasps out loud.

Ronin took a step forward. He couldn't believe it. Yes, it was weird that this woman would strip down in front of him, but what really shocked the two of them was her back. Every inch of her back was covered in scars. They were hidden by her shirt, as if it was deliberate.

"What's wrong?" Nicole turned, covered, with a smile.

"Your... back." Lynn didn't want to push.

Nicole's eyes went wide. She had forgotten about her scars. So used to the people around her knowing of them, that it didn't dawn on her that they would react that way. Fully turning to face them, she backs up until her back is pressed against the wall.

"Oh, yeah... that." Nicole slams into the wall and looks away.

Ronin can tell that the scars wrapped around to her front. The shirt covered them all. What did this woman go through to have such scars? No wonder she didn't have a problem with his eye.

"We should leave." Ronin turned to exit.

Lynn paused, still wanting to ask. "If you want to talk, my offer still stands."

Nicole didn't look at them. Pulling her arms closer, she tries to cover as much of her scars as she could. It's not something she wants to talk about. She knows she'll have to eventually, but right now all she wants to do is try to forget.

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