Chapter 21: A new wife?

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"I would like to introduce you with someone."

The Emperor motioned someone over to stand beside him. The figure awkwardly walked from the crowd and lowered his head. He seemed to be a man in his early 20s; his figure spoke of honesty and uprightness, but at the same time, his hazel eyes also shone of innocence. His body was kind of small for a man in his 20s; but his height was okay. He actually looked flustered and didn't say anything while Zhou Zishu was eyeing  him up and down suspiciously, didn't know what was the Emperor's plan for sending him here. A new servant maybe? But he wasn't interested in him anyway. He looked like any normal, childlish guy out there. Boring.

The Emperor cleared his throat seeing the awkward situation between the two of them. He nudged Liang Jiuxiao's shoulders. "Introduce yourself. Or at least say something."

Zhou Zishu raised his eyebrow in dissaproval. What was his name again? Who in the world is he? Why is he gawking at me? Jiuxiao finally said something, but it sounded more like a whisper. His voice was small and soft. "I am Liang Jiuxiao... Greetings, Head General Zhou."

Zhou Zishu rolled his eyes. This guy is wasting his time right now. He could use this much time to either talk or take care of Wen Kexing or argue with Scorpion King. Xie Wang looked at him and shrugged his shoulders. He whisper-shouted and smiled. "Goodluck!"

Goodluck? What was that supposed to mean? Xie Wang's expressions wasn't serious at all; why is he staring at me like that with that devilish look on his face? Is this all part of his plan? He chose to just ignore the weird feeling. The Emperor's voice interrupted his reeling thoughts. "Jiuxiao, thats the only thing that you can say? Explain more about yourself."

"I... was born in Hangzhou... But then I moved here to Chang'an 5 months ago because I like it here...

Zhou Zishu was starting to lose his patience. This guy is so slow at talking! Why is he stuttering like he had just seen a ghost? Is he that scary? He looked at Jiuxiao and then to the Emperor. "Your Majesty, why do you ask him to be here too?" he gritted his teeth and held his breath.

"Its... actually like this Head General Zhou.."

"Since you're still mourning for what happened to Concubine Wen.. I figured out an idea and took the initiative to find a new companion for you."

Zhou Zishu was stunned for a while. Words can't describe how he is feeling right now. He just looked at them in disbelief. They still have the heart to tell him to find another companion, when he literally had just lost someone he loved with all his life?! That was just so.... rude and insensitive! He wonders how the Emperor ruled the dynasty with that tiny little brain of his... He had a brain the size of a prawn.. Zhou Zishu wasn't going to give up on Wen Kexing! Never and forever! If he died out in the wars one day, and met him on the afterlife, he would be ashamed to see him. Although, thinking about it, dying in the wars seemed to sound nice...

At least they would be reunited again.

Or maybe, he would be tortured in the deepest depths of hell and never meet him again for the rest of his life because of his crimes of killing people without mercy. A heartless, merciless physchopath. Wow, what a great match with a kindhearted, gentle person. How ironic.

"Ah, if you two feel uncomfortable with us hanging around here, we can go and let the both of you have some private time."

"But before that..." the Emperor paused, then looked at Zhou Zishu. "Head General Zhou, not letting go of a dead person is an... unhealthy obsession. You need to learn how to let go of him; I'm sure that he will be sad for you if he knows about this too. I will ask my subordinates to bury Concubine Wen for you."

"Yes, thats true." Xie Wang sighed and crossed his arms. "I didn't know that the esteemed Head General Zhou has corpse fetish.."

"Xie Wang, this is not the time to joke right now!" Zhou Zishu screamed at him. His tone was getting impatient. His eyes were full of flare; they literally said "don't mess with the wrong person or I will make you regret it for the rest of your life". "Just because I tolerate you for your actions all this time, don't take my tolerance as indulgence."

Scorpion King gave him another fake smile and sealed his mouth shut. It wasn't that he was scared of him; he knew that arguing with him for the hundreth time didn't give him any benefits. He finally decided to give in this time.

But Xie Wang was right this time though. The Emperor too. This may seriously affect and undermine his mental and physical health one day. Zhou Zishu slowly turned around and spotted Wen Kexing lying lifeless in the ice coffin; with his eyelids tightly closed, and both of his hands placed on top of each other. He then sighed heavily, and clenched his fists. He knew that this was going to happen one day.

The one day where he would let go of him, forgets everything, and live a peaceful and enjoyable life.

But, he just... couldn't do it. Whatever his achievements were, whether winning in the wars or having celebration parties; those couldn't compare to the happiness and joy when Wen Kexing was by his side.

It was this kind of feeling...

Zhou Zishu couldn't describe it in just mere words. The feeling was indescribable.

He then finally bowed politely to the Emperor, and said.

"Because the Emperor orders this himself, this general wouldn't deny them. Its just that...

"Can I have some time alone with him for a while?"

I fell in Love With a Cold General {我爱上了一个冷酷的将军}Where stories live. Discover now