Author's Note!

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Hi there :)

Thank you for reading my story until the end. What was just once a summer project became so much more than that. It has over 1,200 reads--isn't that crazy?! It doesn't compare to some of the other stories on here, but I'm pretty proud :D

I didn't want this story to be some beautiful 'I met him, we fell in love and got married' kind of story, that's a fairytale. You Only Live Once shows the good in relationships and also the bad. There are consequences with every action and Hayden becoming pregnant was one of them.

I didn't intend on making Hayden pregnant when I first wrote this. It was just an idea I got one day and I thought it would be a good idea. It just reminds me of MTV's 16 And Pregnant or Teen Mom. Because Hayden is indeed a teen mom.

This story is reality. There are players out there who have such a sweet side, but all they want is to take your virginity from you. We all make mistakes in life, it's just time to turn the page and start a new chapter in life.

I'd like to thank everyone for supporting me, especially four of my closest friends, Ashley, Klaryssa, Jessica and Jordan. They've supported me through every thing, from giving me feedback to telling me to promote it more.

When I first started writing this story, I was just a very bored girl who needed something fun to do. This was so much fun, like I can't even describe! :) I stuck with this story and finished it, even though it is just a short story :) I took famous Canadian author Shane Peacock's (yes, that is his last name) advice when I attended a short writer's workshop hosted by him.

I started with 0 fans, 0 votes and 0 reads. Now I'm up to a bunch of fans, votes and a TON of reads :)

I'm a hopeless romantic, so you'll be seeing more romance stories from me. That's actually all I write, I can't write any other genre :$

Lastly, I'd like to thank YOU, each and every one of you, for reading until the end, voting and giving me feedback. I love you all :)


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