Chapter 6

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Levi and I have reached a new obstacle. It's like there's a fork in our road and we're caught between parting ways or taking one path. Levi and I are talking less and less frequently and I haven't seen him in a while. It's not easy being with him when he's practically refusing to talk or see me. I'm getting tired of him keeping his distance from me.

My phone rings and I actually contemplate whether or not I'm going to answer it.


"Hayden...we need to talk."

"Darn right we do, Levi." I say.

"I guess I'll start off by saying I'm sorry for moving out. I've moved in with a friend and I'm happy. It's a lot closer to work, which I have a lot of hours now. I want to see you soon, okay?"

"Well, Nat's having a party next if you want to come with me, you can." I say. "Other than that I'm pretty much booked solid."

He breathed a sigh of relief and said he'd come with me. It looked like he was venturing down my path again, slowly but surely. We'll see how long this will last. I wonder if seeing each other will be a happy reunion, cause fights or just be awkward. I guess I'll have to see for myself. The party will be awkward for Levi, he probably won't know anyone other than Natalie and myself.

All I want to do is wrap him up, kiss his lips, call him mine and hold his hand forever. I don't ever want to let go of him whether I'm twenty-one or one-hundred-and-one. I want to be with him through the good and the bad times. I want to know how much I am capable of loving him and vice versa. I just want to make him feel wanted and for him to truly feel emotions. He's used to no strings attached relationships, meaning he's not open for an emotional relationship. He's truly handsome, more than meets the eye. He's the most charming, lovable person I've ever met.

He makes me feel so good, inside and out. I'm glad he's mine and only mine, it leaves a good feeling in the pit of my stomach. Like I'm special to him and he deeply cares about me. I'd be lost if he didn't care for me; if he didn't feel an ounce of emotion for me. It would be like finding out the sky didn't really hold the stars at night or that your favourite t.v show got cancelled.

As I thumb through pictures of us from the past weeks, we look totally happy and in love. I'm content that I printed the pictures, they're absolutely remarkable. It captures the essence of Levi's existence flawlessly while I look like...nothing compared to him. I will never, ever leave him alone and he needs to realize that. It's not exactly fair to me if he only lets me in halfway.

*  *  *

There is exactly one week until the party and I still don't know what I'm going to bring. I log onto my email account and there is one from Levi waiting for me to open it.


   I don't know if I will be able to make it to Natalie's party next weekend. I might have to work over time at the shop. I'm so sorry, love. I may or may not see you there.


Gee, don't sound so sad now.


 Fine, whatever. Whether you come or not is up to you, I didn't have to invite you. Please don't call me for a few days, I'm stressing out over much birthings to do in the next few days. I love you, but I don't have to like you right now.


There, that shall give him something to think about for a while. Yet, minutes later there is a reply.


 Please don't be angry with me, work is first priority compared to the party. Thank you for inviting me nonetheless and I love you too.


I hastily reply back and log off.


  I wouldn't be angry if you had just said 'I'll try to make it, but I can't promise anything'. Now I'm even more work your first priority compared to me?

He's the only person in the whole world who has stressed me to my limit. I'm so, so tired of the way he is even though I love him to death. I guess we'll just have to work things out at the party.

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