Chapter 3

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After a long, serious discussion, Levi and I decided it was time to meet the family. We decided on a relaxed night out at none other than Vanilla Beans. Like, seriously, I swear Levi's addicted to that place. We're there, in our booth, with cappuccinos before anyone else arrives. Mom, Dad, Megan and Brad are all coming from my family and Levi's Mom and Dad are coming. I admit, I'm very nervous to meet Levi's parents, especially after they kicked him out last week. Plus, really want them to like me if I'm considering a future with Levi.

 We sit in silence, side by side. I'm getting really anxious, especially when my family walks in. Megan and Brad slide in beside Levi and I, while Mom and Dad sit across from us.

"Drinks, anyone?" Megan asks cheerfully.

"Please." Dad tells her as Levi's parents sit down.

"Would you like something to drink?" Megan asks them. "My treat."

"Sure, we'll have black coffee please." His mom says.

It's silent momentary, both our parents sizing the other's child up. I'm trying not to squirm uncomfortably, but it's awfully hard. His parents' have the coldest stare I've ever seen. I'm thankful when Megan returns with everyone else's drinks.

"I'm Megan, Hayden's sister." She introduces herself. "And this is my husband, Brad."

The parent's introduce themselves and hand shakes are traded.

"I'm Hayden, Levi's girlfriend." I tell Susan and Darien.

"Nice to meet you, Hayden." They say in almost perfect unison.

"Rose, Paul...I am Levi, Hayden's boyfriend." Levi shakes their hands.

We stay at Vanilla Beans until closing time, all the tense air is gone. I realize now that there was nothing to even be nervous about, I had a feeling our parents' liked each other and us. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be either, Megan talked enough for everyone. She kept the conversation flowing by asking Susan, Darien and Levi questions. Levi and I manage to keep our hands off each other until we're alone, in the comfort of my apartment. Natalie's at home now, which is a lot better for Levi and I. I kiss him, murmuring how lovely the evening was. I wasn't about to let this go to far tonight, so I turned in for the night.

"You awake?" Levi's hushed voice wakes me.

"Go back to sleep, it's only three in the morning." 

I turn over but Levi keeps persisiting that I wake up.

"Come on, there's a fight going on out there." 

That grabs my attention. I swing out of bed and rush out of the apartment, catching a glimpse of the fighting couple down the hall.

"Hey, hey hey!" I shout at the man. "Enough."

They keep on shouting, louder and louder by the minute. I grab the girl--who is around nineteen--by the waist and pin her against the wall. The man walks away from us as I try to calm the girl down.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

She shakes her head through her tears. "No, he just started fighting with me about how he just lost his job and...he just blames everything on me."

I pull her to a sitting position against the wall as I slide down it.

"Have you ever thought to leave him?" I say. 

"No, I never thought about a life without him." She says wearily. "He's my everything, even though he has a bad temper he can be really sweet."

"Honey, you need to leave him. Kick him out of the apartment, get a restraining order...something to ensure you'll be safe." 

With that I leave, walking drowsily into my apartment and flopping on the bed.

*  *  *

I wake up around noon with Levi's face inches from mine. He wraps his arms around me and kisses me slowly and passionately. He rolls over so that I'm laying on his chest, held captive by him. His hands travel across my body and I have an unfamiliar pull of desire in the pit of my stomach. I want him more than anything and I know how easy it would be just to give myself up, but I can't do that just yet. I have to be careful, calm, serene and sure that I want Levi and he wants me just as much. I didn't know that we could get even more passionate with our kisses, but we are. I can't swallow my feelings for Levi, I have to let him know how much I love him. He grabs the hem of my shirt and tugs it upwards, so it's practically off of me. I'm half naked and very uncomfortable about how this is going. He moves for my pyjama bottoms...

"Levi." I say. "Stop, I love you so much but I'm not ready for this."

"Sorry, Angel." He pants. "I love you too and I respect your decision. It's just hard not too, you know?"

"Yeah." I smile.

It's time to face the day. 

"You know...our parents don't even know we're living together." I say as I rest my head on his chest.

"Wow, we're rebels aren't we?"

I laugh. At times like this, I don't know how I'd ever get by without Levi. He's everything I've ever wanted and more. He loves me for me and he's not afraid to say it. Most of all, he wants to be with me even when I'm at my worst. He makes me laugh in the most awkward situations.

"What do you want to do today?" Levi asks.

"I want to stay like this forever." I murmur. 

I kiss him swiftly but I don't make it linger. I want to make him want more; I want to just kiss him all day.

"Come on," He says. "We can't kiss all day."

"Can't a girl dream?"

Levi chuckles, standing up and taking me with him. He starts walking, carrying me wedding-style. I'm holding onto his nack for my life, my face burried in his chest. I feel the hot air of the basement pool. 

"Don't do this Levi." I warn.

It doesn't stop him, he just jumps into the pool with a screaming me clinging to him. When we emerge, people everywhere are staring at us.

"They are just too cute!" One woman gushes to her friend.

I refrain from kissing Levi with everyone's eyes on us. It would be too embarrassing and, God knows what would go around the building then.

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