Chapter 7

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By the time I pull into the driveway of Natalie's house, the music is pumping and I'd say the party is in full swing at only seven p.m. I carry two cases of pop into her house and head to her room to drop my duffle bag off.

"Hayden!" She squeals when she sees me.

She's just sitting on her bed with a red solo cup in hand.

"Why are you hauled up in here?" I ask. "Come on, the party's crazy down there. People and their dance"

"I was just getting some quiet time until you came is all."

When we headed down, there were even more people down there. People were dancing, singing, drinking...all the usuals. Later in the night it will be accompanied with kissing and intimacy, no doubt. I grab a can of pop and join my university friends on the makeshift dance floor. We dance, talk and laugh well into the night. There's a blast of cold air as the front door opens; Levi walks in and makes his way towards me. I smile and give him a quick kiss, introducing him to my friends.

As usual, they're batting their eyelashes at him and giving me looks of jealousy and envy.

"How was work?" I ask. "What's the time?"

"Fantastic." He kisses my cheek. "Eleven o'clock is the time."

"You should just go home to bed." I bite my lip. "But I'm ecstatic that you came."

He grins. "Just for you, got anything to drink?"

"In the kitchen." I reply. "Don't be too long."

*  *  *


I push my way through the crowd and into the kitchen. I notice Natalie straight away, kissing some dude by the sink. She's beautiful tonight, though I would never admit it to anyone. I'm not too thrilled to be here, but hey, if Hayden wants me to come with her...I'll suck it up and go wherever she'd like. I grab a drink--God knows what-- and head some where for some quiet time. I find myself taking stairs to what appears to be the basement.

"Where you going?" Natalie slurs behind me.

"I've got a headache, so I'm going to be down here for a few minutes." I reply, sitting on a couch.

All of a sudden, she's straddling my lap and kissing me a whole lot more sexier than Hayden has. Within a few minutes the kissing has gotten steamy and I can't hold myself back. I just allow Natalie to take me wherever she wants to go whether it's first base or third, I don't care.

*  *  *


It's been an hour and Levi is still nowhere to be seen. People are starting to crash on the floor, the couches, tables...whatever they can find. I assume Levi's left and head up to bed.

"Hayden, I think Levi's cheating on you." Melissa says as I climb the stairs.

My heart lurches. "What do you mean?"

"He was caught making love to some girl." She explains. "I'm sorry."

Wow. He really has a problem now, doesn't he? I'm crying my eyes out by the time I get to Natalie's bedroom, my heart torn in different directions. I need to wait this out; to wait for Levi to tell me himself.

Weeks pass and I don't hear from Levi, nor do I attempt to reach out and confront him. I haven't been to my apartment for a long time, I'm so hurt that I retreating back to my parent's home. When I told my mom, she was furious. Not that I could exactly blame her, I was too. She gave me my space as I cried and cried, day and night, every day. This could be fixed if Levi would tell me who the girl was he cheated on me with. My eyes are practically swollen shut from crying, or so it feels like.

We do have a terrible love, if he even loved me in the first place. Levi's lost my trust and most of my feelings for him. It's like I cried out all I ever felt for him, it's an empty kind of feeling. The first few days I threw objects at my bed, but now I'm just laying in bed and wondering what went wrong in my life.

I will never, ever forgive Levi.

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