Meet The Main Characters! (Hayden)

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Before I begin, I thought it would be kind of fun if I "interviewed" the characters. I thought we could start with Hayden, let me know if you like this or not. I am, indeed, pretending to be the characters.

Q: "Why didn't you ever date before Levi?"

A: "Well, I guess I just didn't find a guy I thought who was worth dating. It's not like I didn't have many opportunities, it's that I chose to wait for someone who I actually fell in love with."

Q: "Hayden, did you fall in love with Levi Smith?"

A: -Blushes- "I did, it was almost an overwhelming feeling. It was so foreign to me...Levi was foreign to me." -Laughs-

Q: "What did it feel like...when you broke up with him?"

A: "It literally felt like I was being ripped up into shreds. It hurt so bad to just let go of see his face as I spoke the words. A little part of me died inside, I was messed up for months. I wasn't being strong about it at all, [obviously] I wanted him back. But I can't have him, he's not good for my health."

Q: "How do you feel about having his child?"

A: "It's hard at times [carrying his baby], but you know what? I'm taking it one day at a time. I couldn't be happier that I'm having a child...but I wish I could've been with Levi forever. We could've been a big, happy family."

Q: "Do you have any names picked out? Are you choosing them yourself or does Levi have a say in it?"

A: "If I have a girl her name could either be Dahlia or Kinsley. If I have a boy, I'm leaning more towards John or Michael. I'm choosing the names, but I will run them by Levi before the baby is born."

Q: "Last question of the day, I promise. Do you have any advice for those who are dating the 'undateable'?"

A: -Laughs- "Yeah, I do actually. If you are dating someone who is like Levi, I advise you to end the relationship as soon as possible. Know your consequences if you stay with him/her, they will manipulate and twist you until you barely recgonize yourself. Don't go 'all the way' with someone who has probably been with a million people. You are going to get decieved and you are going to get hurt [like I did]. Just know what's going to happen and that they are not really serious about relationships. They know how to make you do just what they want, every touch sends you in deeper.  Be smart about it, don't date people with a reputation for cheating or 'playing' others."

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So...that's it, please let me know what you think!

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