You Only Live Once (Prologue)

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Just to begin with, I've dedicated this book/story to the lovely FishyLove, who is my editor. She's awesome :)

I'd love it if you'd vote for the prologue/first chapter. That way my story can become more popular! :)


 It's a brisk January day, people hustling and bustling past me on the sidewalk. I pull my tan pea coat tighter around my waist, watching the cars speed by. The bus... I think I may have missed it. I'll be late for my finals and I'll fail and...

"Hey, need a ride?" A masculine voice asks from beside me in the road.

A black Jeep Commander pulls up to the curb. I've seen this boy around school and I've secretly drooled over this car since school started.


I climb into the passenger seat and am roasting within minutes. He obviously knows me from school, as he heads straight for the University of Seattle.

"Where are you heading, Angel?" He asks once in the parking lot.

"Building four." I smile. "Thanks for the ride, but my name's not Angel, it's Hayden."

A smirk tugs at his lips. "Pleasure to finally meet you, Hayden...I'm Levi."

I want to say something, anything, but instead I just slam the door behind me and run to Building four. Today is my last final in university, next week is graduation. I only have my Biology final and this is the one I'm nervous about most.

"Hayden!" A voice cries. Natalie. "You were riding with Levi Smith?"

I shrug. "Yeah, I was waiting for the bus and somehow missed it; he just pulled up out of nowhere and offered to give me a ride."

"It would've been rude to refuse... but don't go chasing after him, Hayden, he's a player." Natalie warns.

The final was a breeze, for me at least. I had waited in warmth for the last ten minutes, watching as the students around me struggled with their final answers. As soon as we are dismissed, I walk out into the winter day, and long and behold, Levi is leaning against the wall. I debate whether or not to walk past him or to talk to him.

"Angel." He smiles when he sees me. "Buses are cancelled today, would you rather walk or ride with me?"

Every girl around us stops and stares, jealousy in their eyes.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer, Levi." I let a small smirk rest on my lips.

I'm following him to the Commander, girls still staring. My face is heating up and for the first time in my life, I'm embarrassed about being seen with a boy.

"Why are you blushing, Angel?" He touches my cheek. "Ignore the people who are staring; I'm just too handsome for their eyes to handle."

I laugh politely, knowing he was spot on. Every girl was drooling over him and we were bound to be all they talked about for the next week or so.

"Let's go grab a coffee or something to warm us up." He suggests.

I watch him with curiosity as he reaches over and presses a button. The car is instantly filled with Beethoven.

"Sounds good." I'm quiet for a minute. "So, Beethoven, eh?"

"Yeah and Bach too." He bites his lower lip. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that you're too good to be true, that I will wake up any second now." I hesitate. "You're so, Classy, liking Beethoven and Bach. It's rumored that you're a player."

"Well it's true, I guess I am. Don't waste your time on me, Angel." Levi says. "I'm not worth it, darling."

He takes me to Vanilla Beans, the coffee shop down the road. It's an elegant shop; dimmed lighting, all dark wood walls and twinkle lights. It is breath taking and everything there is amazing. He orders two French Vanilla cappuccinos and sits down at a booth in the back corner. I'm starting to wonder about how many girls he has taken here or how many he has called 'Angel'.

"Why do you call me Angel?" I ask softly.

He tips my chin up with his finger. "Because you are one. You're kind, genuine, sincere all complete with your pale skin, blue eyes and brown hair."

I blush as he fingers one of the perfectly sculpted curls that I chose to face outwards today. I take in his floppy black hair, his dark brown eyes and tan skin...he's a girl's dream man.

"Are you graduating next week too?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Yeah, I've got a job just down the road from the hospital as a mechanic, and yourself?"

I nod. "I'm going to be an intern at the hospital in a month's time. I'm starting off as a maternity nurse and then every couple of month's they said they will train me in different wards until I know where I would like to work. I'm so excited; it's my dream job to become a nurse."

Levi drops me off at my parents' house two hours later and I can't help but wonder where our new found friendship will take us. If it will take us anywhere.

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