Preferences - Who They're Jealous Of

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Who they're jealous of:

Pope, because Rafe genuinely believes that he isn't enough for you and Pope is.

Topper, as JJ believes that he can't give you what you need in life, stability.

John B, because he knows how to have fun whilst Pope just thinks he's boring.

John B:
Cleo, due to your close bond from the moment you met and he thinks you spend more time with her now instead of him.

Sarah, because she's afraid Sarah will convince you to cheat on her and she believes Sarah's prettier than her.

JJ, because she thinks she isn't funny enough and he always makes you laugh.

Barry, as his been in your life for the longest time while she hasn't and she feels as if she's missing out.

Kelce, due to him seeming like he has his whole life together whilst Barry does not.

Rafe, because of his trust issues due to be cheated on before.

Kiara, due to how close you two are since she has been your best friend your whole life.


I'll be back to writing short stories very soon! I just love making preferences

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