
45 20 16

Cashire's fingers curled around the golden doorknob, flicking his wrist and twisting to release the lock. With a satisfying click, the mahogany door opened with ease which lead to the inside of the small but comforting space that could be called his and Tanami's apartment. He kicked the door closed with his heel and locked it before tossing his keys on the wooden table. They clicked together with a loud sound.

A soft yawn slipped past his lips as he rolled his shoulders. The stiffness enrapturing his muscles was made more apparent with the movement and he nearly released a groan. The orange-eyed male really needed to stop giving into whatever insane idea Roisin conjured up on a daily basis. Not even bothering to walk to the bedroom, the male allowed his body to flop onto the softness of the beige couch.

Adjusting his head's position, he briefly glanced up to see through the planes of glass. Darkness was veiled across the sky, bright stars sprinkled across the onyx curtain along with the luminance of the crescent moon. His vision began to blur as the sweet song of sleep began to grab ahold of his consciousness. Little by little, he was beginning to slip away into a dream-like state. His breathing began to slow as his chest heaved at an even pace. Silence clouded over the apartment.

That is until the phone in his pocket began to vibrate against his thigh. Stirred from his sleep, an audible groan escaped him as he lazily shoved his hand into his pocket. With a bit of trouble, Cashier freed his phone from its fabric trap before tilting his head to look at the screen. The sudden brightness caused the brown-haired male to blink furiously for a couple of seconds. Once his eyesight adjusted, he pressed the messages button to see who had decided to interrupt his sleep.


Cashire! Answer me! Cashire, I have newsss! \(≧▽≦)/

Despite his exhaustion, the twenty-year-old felt a smile beginning to tug at his lips. Although it was late at night, he could not help but feel his tiredness slip away from such a simple message. He shifted his position so that he was lying on his back and poised his fingers above the keys.


What is it?

The small dots on the screen jumped as the amethyst-haired woman typed whatever she was so excited about.


You responded! Yay! Okay, so me and Yua went to the mall after our mission and we went into the toy store because she wanted to buy something for her niece! And I found the greatest thing ever!


Is it another narwhal?

The man is suddenly remembering the pile of accumulating narwhals that miraculously appeared at the foot of the bed one day. Now he is not one to criticize his girlfriend's spending but having thirteen different-sized narwhals was overdoing it a little.


...not yet.

But trust me, this is so cute. Give me a sec!

(Image attached)

It took a couple of seconds for the picture to load and once it did, his breath left him. Standing proudly in her baby blue coat was Tanami smiling innocently at the camera. Although his eyes were immediately drawn to the shining amethyst, it did not take long to see the small plushie clenched in her grasp. The plushie itself had the general appearance of a doll with its oval body and sphere head. However, the plush had purple yarn with sheaths of clear plastic decorated with sparkles to give it a reflective type of look on its head. The oval eyes were a plain shade of periwinkle which were easily seen against the pearly white skin. The clothing it adorned was the black and, in this case, lavender, colors of the Roulette Agency.


It's a mini you!


Yeah! There's a mini Akihiko, Yoshimi, Yua, and everyone else! They're so cute! I want to buy them all! Well not all of them. There's a plushie Junpei too...




Yeah, that's about right! That's all I wanted to say so I'll see you in the morning! Good night!!! I love you!

A chuckle escaped the man's lips as his orange eyes brightened with happiness. He tapped his fingers on the screen before bringing the phone up to his ear. He was greeted by two rings before Tanami's voice flowed through the speaker. "I love you too. Goodnight, Nami."


Author's Note:

Something short and sweet. Hopefully I can make something longer next time.

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