» Night Swindler

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So this is the continuation of the earlier chapter except in the present time. Again, my own kingdoms made, my magic system, OCs, and such. The only thing is that I plan to change how Noel acts and speaks but that's a later problem.


Present time.

"Would you look at that? Prince Celestino has entered Dawnpoint."

"Oh, and he's with the feebleminded child again."

"He must pity that child. Why else would he allow such a filthy thing to follow him around like that?"

"Pity? Ha! What excuses you sputter! He only shelters that child since no one else dares to follow an abandoned prince!"

The various whispers glazed over with mockery and tease fluttered along with the wind to flow into the ears of those who drew near. Villagers took fleeting glances, sparing their attention for mere moments to watch the two young boys walk silently down the well-worn path. One had a calm expression, lips quirked up into a small smile. His deep violet eyes kept a steady gaze in front of him, brushing aside the harsh and pitiful comments thrown his way. At times, he would bring a bony hand to his hair and brush aside the scraggly midnight curls that tickled his eyelids.

Settled atop the charcoal hood he wore was a small creature who grasped the fabric with her black nubs. Her wide cerulean eyes stared intently at the people, her small rose lips screwed back into what appeared to be a snarl. Her eyebrow twitched, and the two shell white bows that adorned the sides of her head spiked up every once in a while with every single word that she heard. If she could, she would dish out a bunch of Psyshocks to shut their traps. She only curled her nubs around the fabric tighter.

Behind him, the other boy fiddled nervously with the yellow drawstring of his cloak. He separated the yarn strands, keeping his eyes locked on the thread while avoiding the curious eyes of the villagers following his every move. His vibrant crimson locks tickled his nape, but he did not dare raise a hand to rid himself of the uncomfortable feeling. The piercing gazes of the townsfolk were much more disturbing than the simple annoyance.

Treading beside him was a quadrupedal creature who stuck to his side in fear of straying away. The Pokémon shivered. A light, fear-filled yelp slithered out of the creature's vocal cords and his beige and brown ears pressed onto its sand-colored head. He tried to press his muzzle into his white tufted and rock decorated neck to skitter away from those judgemental looks.

"Celeste, do looks not bother you?" the second boy breathed softly, tugging the black hood further over his head to keep his peripheral vision to a minimum. He stared at the ground. He always hated those gazes.

"Bother? May I ask why those narrow-minded citizens should even spare a thought in my mind." the first boy replied swiftly as if he did not have a care for the words being tossed his way. Instead, he listened to the soft crunched of the sand and pebbles underneath the sole of his shoe and felt Gothita stop herself from throwing a tantrum.

"But-" the crimson-haired boy sputtered. He halted momentarily, eyebrows furring as he tried to string his next words as best as he could. "They keep saying abandoned. Queen is still with Celeste."

"Ah, yes, my dear, naive mother. The woman of this flourishing land reduced to a mere housewife. No, that would be a generous title. What a sad, cruel turn of events. Do you not agree, Noel? Because of me, my mother had thrown away her royal duty and the beautiful crown woven into her chocolate locks." Celestino chuckled solemnly into his pale hand, silencing his laughter as best as he could. Nestled into his hood, his loyal companion Gothita had drawn her arm back and delicately struck the side of his head before a sharp noise escaped her. It sounded like a complaint.

Lucent || Story ExpansionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora