Chapter 6- Telling Scott

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I'm on my way to a little Cafe to meet Scott and tell him that I'm pregnant and that's it his. I enter the Cafe and find Scott and sit down across from him. " I ordered us two glasses of iced tea". Scott tells me. "Thank you, now your probably wondering why I told you to meet me here,right?" I tell him. " Yeah, I am a little curious but I think it's because you want another round with me". I laugh and say, " Well I can't even remember the first time but sadly no I don't feel like it's safe to go and sleep with you again". "Is it something I did because if I did anything to hurt or harm you I am greatly sorry". " No,it's not that and you didn't hurt me but umm how do I say this". "Say what?". "Um Scott I'm pregnant". "Your what, I mean how did this happen?". " Well Scott I think we both know how it happened, but a couple of weeks ago after we went to the club I started getting sick and my friends took me to the doctor and the doctor did some tests and then she came back and said I was two weeks pregnant". " I am so sorry this had to happen to you but I am going to promise you I will be there for you and the baby". He grabs my hands and puts them together with his. " Are you sure Scott because you don't have to do this if you don't want to". " Yes, Hannah I want to be there in both the baby's life and yours and I'm doing this on my own nobody is pushing me to say yes". " Okay, well thank you Scott I really appreciate it, I don't know how many people I have seen walk out on their unborn child because they don't want it". " Well I promise you I won't ever walk on the baby or you". He pulls my hands towards his lips and kisses them. A smile quickly forms on my face and I say," I guess I'll need your number so I can get ahold of you if anything happens or I need you". "Yeah I guess so". We exchange numbers and stand up to leave. "So I guess this is goodbye till I need you". I tell him. " It's not a goodbye, it's I'll see you later". Scott replies. He kisses my forehead and says, "I'll see you later Hannah". " I'll see you later too Scott. I tell him back.

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