Chapter 9- Fighting

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I'm now five months pregnant and here recently Scott and I have been having little arguments. It's all because he won't stop going out and when I tell him he shouldn't be going out he turns it into an argument. He needs to realize that his drinking will tear us apart. He's been spiraling out of control these past few weeks since we've moved in together. We have found out that we're having a baby girl and we're both excited about her arrival. I've been at home all day since Scott left early this morning to go to work. Bethany and Mackenzie have been coming to see me and to check on the baby a few times throughout the week. Anyway I'm making dinner right now and once again Scott's running late from work. Which is probably an excuse to go out and drink with the guys as always. I just finished dinner and I'm not going to wait on him, I'm hungry I have to eat for two. So I finished cleaning up dinner and I check my phone to see if Scott has called or texted me since earlier when he told me he was running late. I watch Gossip Girl on Netflix for some time while I'm waiting up for Scott to get home. I mean this is completely ridiculous, he's having a kid in less then 4 months, he needs to grow up. I could do this on my own if I had to but it would be hard and I really don't want the baby growing up without a father in her life. It's now 1 am and Scott just came through the door stumbling as usual. "Where have you been Scott, I've cooked dinner and waited up for you to come home." " I already told you Hannah, work was running a little bit behind and so I had to stay at the office and then this girl came in and she was the highlight of my night". "What The Hell Scott that was 9 hours ago you called me and told me work was running late, and what's that I hear about some girl?" "Yeah, this girl came into my office and we kissed and did some things". "So not only did you go out and get drunk again but this time you cheated on me with some girl that's not your girlfriend who is expecting your child in 4 months!!" "Ow you need to stop screaming at me like some child, I think I'm old enough to make my own Damn decisions"."Well if your old enough to make your own decisions then I'm old enough to make mine". I said walking up the stairs to get my things. "Damnit Hannah where are you going?" "Anywhere away from you since your decisions lately have been out of control". I quickly throw some clothes and necessities in a bag and go back downstairs to get my keys so I can leave. I put my hand on the doorknob to open it so I can leave when a hand pulls me back. "Scott let go of me so I can leave". "No, I'm not going to let you leave, here come into the living room and take a drink with me". "Really Scott!! Your insane like seriously Fu**** Up, when you get help and realize what your doing is not healthy for you but extremely unhealthy for the baby and I, I may come back to you". "Okay Hannah if that's how you really feel then get the Hell out and don't come back!!". "Fine I will!". I quickly bolted out the door and got in my car and pulled out of the driveway and headed towards Bethany and Mackenzie's. As I was driving I didn't realize that I was crying, I just couldn't believe it that my baby will grow up without a father. I pulled in the campus parking lot and got my bag out and headed upstairs to their room. I didn't tell them I was coming but I really didn't know this would happen tonight. I opened their door because I still had a key and there they sat on the couch in front of the TV watching movies. They paused the movie as soon as I shut the door and quickly ran over to me to see what was wrong. We sat down and I told them everything and I cried a lot about it and everything else. They told me that they were here for me if I ever needed anything even though I already knew that. After that we went to sleep.

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