Chapter 14- She's Here

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It's been almost a month and a half and the girls and I graduated we threw a little party with no alcohol and I'm now just a little over 8 and a half months. It's been really hard these past few weeks, I feel like she can come any day now and Scott's taking off work for the baby when she comes. I'm just laying here on the couch watching Gossip Girl on Netflix when I feel something wet run down my pants. I quickly yell for Scott and he comes running down the stairs and he says "Is it time?". I nod my head and he helps me up and gets the bag of stuff and we get to the car and we set off towards the hospital. I'm screaming because the pain hurts so bad and we get to the hospital and Scott helps me out and we go to the front desk and then the next thing I know is I'm in a hospital bed in a hospital room. Scott's sitting beside me in a chair and I'm squeezing his hand because the pain is unbearable. The nurse comes in and says I'm only 7 cm dilated and I have to wait till I'm at a 10. Scott's called our parents and my brother and the girls and they should be arriving here shortly.
Almost 5 hours later I'm ready to start pushing so Scott gets a nurse uniform on so he can be in here with me and he grabs ahold of my hand while the nurses are holding up my legs. The doctor gives me and okay to push and Scott's hand is being squeezed like there is no tomorrow. Then after a few pushes Kennedy Hope Alexander is born into the world with her screaming cry at 3 lbs and 11 ounces. I let go of Scott's hand and the blood slowly comes back into it and I look at our precious child we created that one night. She's perfect and she has my hair with Scott's eyes and mouth and my nose. I look at Scott's face and he is just smiling ear to ear. The doctors take her away to clean her up and I get cleaned up as well and then our parents come in to see her and I when Kennedy is entered back into the room. They each take turns holding her and admiring how sweet and innocent their granddaughter looks. Then after they leave I call in my brother and the girls to come see Kennedy. The girls are in awe and just love how cute she looks and then my brother is just smiling down at her and us saying, "Hi There Kennedy, it's your Uncle Luke and I'm going to be the best uncle you have ever had, I'm going to teach them boys to stay away from my niece even though I might have to lock you inside". Then after they leave its Scott and I's turn to admire our daughter that we created That One Night That Changed My Life Forever.

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