Chapter 13- Telling Our Parents

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Today is the day we have decided to tell our parents about us and the baby. I know it's so late to tell them but Scott wanted his time to deal with it and he waited till now so we better get it over with. Thankfully both of our parents live in Manhattan so we're driving there since I can't go on a plane. After many hours in a car we arrive at a hotel to stay the night since we got here so late. We'll get up tomorrow morning and tell them.
We woke up early this morning and ate breakfast and now we're driving to my parents house first. There driveway is a long one because their house sits far back but we managed to get to the front door. I knock slowly on the door and step back some so I'm not right in front of the door when it opens. My mom is the one who opens the door and she says, "Hannah is that you?". I nod and say, "Yeah mom it's me". She pulls me in for a hug and I realize that we haven't seen each other in almost 2 and a half years now. We pull away and she asks us to come inside and sit down. Scott and I make our way to the living room to sit down on the couch while my mom calls my dad to come downstairs. "Mark, honey can you come downstairs we have some visitors". My dad makes his way down the stairs and when he came into my view his face lit up and he was like "Hannah, I've miss you so much". "I've missed you to dad". Then he sat down next to my mom across from us only a table separating us. He then said to Scott, "Now who are you young man?". Scott then answered,"I'm Scott Alexander, sir and I'm in a relationship with your daughter". Both of my parents nodded approvingly. So I didn't want to wait any longer so I just came out and said it,"Mom, Dad, I'm pregnant". They both quickly covered their mouths in shock and said "What, how did this happen, I thought we told you that when you went off to college their was to be no boys till you got your degree". I looked down in shame and said, "I know but I have 3 weeks till I graduate with my degree and I've been keeping my grades up with A's and this was only one time when it happened, I haven't had a boyfriend since I left home to go to college". "Okay, Hannah as long as you keep your grades up till you graduate we'll support you, wait I mean we'll support you either way and we're both proud of you that you didn't drop out of school when this happened and that your doing the right thing". So that was out in the open now and we talked about Scott and I's relationship and then we talked about the baby till it was time for us to go and see Scott's parents. Before we left I gave my parents a hug and said for them to come to dinner with us and Scott's family and that there was going to be a huge surprise. We got in the car and we drove to Scott's parents house on the way there I called my brother Luke and told him to come with us to dinner. We arrived shortly at his family's house and we got out of the car and Scott knocked on the door.

Scott's P.O.V.
I knocked on my parents door and thankfully my mother answered and said "Scott is that you honey". I nodded my head and said "Yes, mom it's me". She let us both inside and we went to sit down on the couch in the living room as she called for my father to come down the stairs. "Oh Michael, dear we have some guests downstairs waiting for you". I saw my father come down the stairs and he looked at Hannah with a look of disapproval. They sat down across from us and said, "Son, what brings you here today with this girl sitting beside you?". I looked at Hannah and said "Mom, Dad, this is Hannah my girlfriend and I would also like to say that we're expecting a baby". My mom quickly said, "Oh honey that wonderful news, I'm so happy for you". My dad on the other hand didn't say a word for a few minutes but had a look on his face like I was going to gets screamed at for the rest of my life. When he finally spoke he said, "Now son why on earth would you do that to this poor girl, I thought I raised you better than this, don't you know how to use protection when you need to". I looked at my dad and said "Yes, dad I do and this time we were so drunk I couldn't even think straight and I'm doing the right thing I'm standing by Hannah and I'm going to be there for her wether you like it or not". "Well son I see you passed my test". "What test are you even talking about". "You see son when you first went off to college I had made up a plan that I would test you for if you ever got someone pregnant to see if you would do the right thing or not or just hand the kid over to us and have us raise him because you couldn't be responsible enough to take care of your own kid and now I see that you've passed my test and I know now that you care deeply for this girl". "Yes, dad I care deeply for this girl to even have her for my wife". After that we talked about Hannah and I's relationship and the baby and then we we got up to leave I told them to meet us for dinner and that Hannah's parents and brother was going to be there as well.
We got back to the hotel and changed for dinner and we soon left. We arrived at the restaurant on time and got a table for 7 people. Our parents and Hannah's brother arrived shortly after we did. We ordered our food and Hannah and I decided to share some really big news.

Hannah's P.O.V.
Scott and I agreed on telling our families the baby's name and later on we'll tell them something else. "Okay, so everyone that's here knows that I am 7 months pregnant and that we're expecting a baby girl. We have come to terms on telling you guys the baby's name, her name will be, Kennedy Hope Alexander". Everyone cheered and they were all so happy on the name, my mom loved it and so did Scott's mom. My brother was even happy for us and he told Scott to watch his back if something ever happened to me. Anyway dinner came and we ate and talked about things and then it was time for another pretty big surprise. I quickly put on my ring that I had in my purse so no one would see it and the. Scott to my hand in his and said, "We're Getting Married!!". Everyone cheered and said congratulations for us they were all so excited even Scott's dad was happy for us. Soon everyone left the restaurant and Scott and I went back to the hotel to get our things so we could drive back home. Many hours later we were back home laying down in our bed so we could fall asleep, and we did.

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