Chapter 8- Moving In Together

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It's been a few weeks since Scott and I's last date and he hasn't been himself lately. My mind claims to believe that he's going to breakup with me but the girls keep telling me that he's not going to. I get a text from Scott telling me to meet him outside, I get outside and see him leaning up against his car. He comes over to me and grabs my hand and tells me that we're going to the park. We get to the park and were walking around talking about random things and then the next thing I know is that Scott lets go of me hand and goes down on one knee. My hands quickly go over my mouth and I make a shocking sound and he says," Hannah I know that we've been dating for only three going on four months now but I can't take it any longer, I can't spend a day not thinking about you, your on my mind twenty-four-seven, hell I can't even go to sleep without dreaming of you, so what I'm asking is Hannah, Will You Move In With Me?". He pulls out a box and opens it and inside is a key. "Yes, yes yes yes Scott I'll move in with you!". He hands me the key and grabs me into a hug. I say "I thought you were asking me to marry you". "Oh no, I mean I will but I want to wait for the right time". We kiss quickly and we head back to my dorm to tell the girls and to start collecting my stuff. We arrive and head inside and I tell the girls, they start jumping up and down and say "I knew it!!!". The girls and I share a hug and some tears "damn hormones" and we head into my room to start packing up my things. It's a good thing schools almost done with, I have two more months of school left and then I'm done. I'll be five months when I graduate so hopefully I won't be in any pain. We get all my stuff packed up and put inside of Scott's car and my car. Thankfully I didn't have a whole lot of furniture just a lot of clothes, shoes and other little things. I say bye to the girls and I get in my car and follow Scott to his house. We get there and it's a cute house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms and a medium size kitchen with a large size living room. We unload my stuff from the cars and I unpack it in Scott's room or I should say our room. I go back downstairs to the kitchen and see Scott starting to make dinner. It's around 5:30pm so I think it's perfect timing for dinner, I starving. We had our appointment for the baby last week and we got to hear the heartbeat, I'm four months now but we still haven't got to find out the sex of the baby yet. Both of us haven't told our parents yet either, I know my parents will be upset about the baby but I don't know about his parents because he doesn't talk about them much. I sit down in a chair by the island while Scott starts dinner. He doesn't let me help much because he's scared something will happen to the baby if I do to much work. We eat dinner after Scott gets done making it and then we go and sit in the living room. We talk about the baby and school and just little things that's happening in our lives. Scott is actually already graduated from school and works at an office management, he's Co-CEO already. I think it's a business his family owns or something. Then after we talk for awhile Scott gets up and puts a movie in the TV. Halfway in the movie Scott looks at me and says," would you be mad if I kissed you?". I don't answer I just lean over and kiss him. The kiss becomes more passionate and I move so I'm straddling him, and Scott then says, "do you want to christen our home?". I nod my head and he goes and puts his arms under my legs so he can pick me up. We go upstairs to our room and he says," is it alright to have sex while your pregnant?". I say, "I don't know but I don't really care, my pregnancy hormones are all over the place and I really want you inside of me right now". So after we have sex we go to sleep.

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