Chapter- 2

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[ZHANYI -Wattpad]

As Zhan went to take a shower, Yibo took the remote controller and asked Alexa to play soft music and then checked his social media account , smiled at the one of the post what Zhan posted last.

He opened his laptop and checked the mails one by one

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He opened his laptop and checked the mails one by one. He started counting every moment since Zhan got into the bathroom. To be honest, he was checking mails but his whole mind was on Zhan

Zhan came out from the bathroom wearing a bathrobe. He walks towards where mirror placed and stood in front of the mirror, then he starts dry his wet hair.

What about Yibo? When he heard the sound of the bathroom door opening with a click, he turned his attention away from what he was doing. Was he really doing his job? The answer would be a big 'NO'.

So Zhan? He laughs inwardly, why? Isn't it, Because since Zhan came out of the bathroom, Yibo has been staring at him without blinking even once. Zhan was secretly watching Yibo from time to time while he was drying his hair. Unable to bear Yibo's stare, he finally said "Bobo~~ If you work like this, your company will be running at a loss."

Hearing what Zhan said, Yibo, scratches his own neck in embarrassment and give Zhan a creepy smile.

Zhan turn towards Yibo , put his hands on both side of the waist and glared at Yibo then said "Yibo close your laptop and stop that creepy smile it's really awwwww" Zhan make a disgusting face.

"Okay, Okay~~" Yibo said, closing the laptop. "There is no need for you to act like this, I know, I have a handsome face that everyone wants." saying Yibo flash a smile at Zhan.

Hearing Zhan came near Yibo and put his index finger under yibo's chin and lifted Yibo's face up, then turned Yibo's face left right and let out a sigh and said, " I don't think so

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Hearing Zhan came near Yibo and put his index finger under yibo's chin and lifted Yibo's face up, then turned Yibo's face left right and let out a sigh and said, " I don't think so."

"Why?" Yibo asked frowning.

"Thinking I said you are handsome,it doesn't mean everyone say like that."

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