Chapter - 18

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[YIZHAN -Wattpad]

After Xuama left the room, Zhan heard someone calling his name.

"Zhan." Hearing Cheng's voice through the earphones, his attention turned to the screen in front of him.

"What happened?" He asked.

"You know we can't use any mobile device inside the meeting room, that too today especially, so I'm going to remove the earphone but I'm not going to remove this camera so you can easily spy on your husband."

"Don't joke, you grumpy Grandpa" Yibo shook his head disapprovingly and then took the earphone from Cheng and placed it on his ear. " Baboei, listen, I can't be mean to Mr. Meng and his daughter until the first meeting is over. You know when the meeting starts, Inspector Bowen, according to our complaint, starts raiding Meng's warehouse. It is our duty to keep them busy in meetings until the raid of his warehouse is over." Zhan nodded at Yibo's words. "Remember, my Baboei and babies are my first priority, so keep your mind cool and calm. Nothing is more important to me than you two. I love you "

"Love you can be sure, me and our babies will be strong." He smiled at the screen even though he knew Yibo couldn't see. "I'll come with the lunch box at noon and we can have lunch together after the meeting."

"Mmm....I'll wait for you, ok then bye"


No matter how much Zhan tried to accept his pregnancy in front of others, there was still a small fear lurking inside him. He was a little afraid of how some people like Mr. Meng would react to his pregnancy, but he didn't tell anyone.

Yibo had said that he would end the business with the Meng Group by any means today, but Ziyi was Yibo's friend, and Zhan was a little afraid of them, so he was worried about what would happen in the meeting at the office. So he used the hidden camera to find out about the office through Cheng.

Zhan talked to Jiyang , he found out that the Song group is coming to replace the Wen group in the meeting today. Just as Jiyang's words filled him with confidence when he met him for the first time, even today, Jiyang's words removed the remaining fear in Zhan and made him confident enough to hold his head high in front of people like Meng. That is why he finally decided to go to the office and attend the meeting.

After removing the headphones, both of them entered the meeting room.

All the shareholders had already arrived in the meeting room, so the meeting started as soon as they both entered. It was a meeting of all the business ventures handled by Wang's, so all the business partners associated with them were present at the meeting.

Apart from the clothing business in partnership with Meng, the Wang cooperation has achieved great success in business in whatever other fields they have ventured into.

The meeting ended well. At the end of the meeting Mr. Wang James made an announcement that surprised everyone. Because he announced to everyone that he was going to merge his Wang cooperation with Xiao enterprises and turn the two business units of Wang and Xiao into a new single business empire called 'Wangxian Empire'.

Except for Meng, the other business partners all liked his decision. It is well known that if two companies that are number one and number two in business are merging then other small business companies will not be able to compete with them. All other partners were very happy when they learned from Mr.Wang James and Mr.Xiao Fengmein that even after becoming such a big business empire, the relationship with their companies will continue as before.

✅LOVE YOU (Yizhan)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن