Chapter 9

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I woke up feeling the most happiest girl in the world. After yesterday, I've been all smiles. Walking into my room, I hummed a cheerful tune starting my shower.

I looked in the mirror seeing my hair was a curly mess. I quickly put it in a messy bun then began brushing my teeth and washing my face. Once I was finish, I stripped out of my clothes and jumped into the shower.

I took a 30 minute shower before finally getting out. I wrapped my towel around my body and walked into my room. I grabbed my pink chiffon lotion and put it on my body. Then I put on my black and white polka dot bikini.

I walked into my closet and picked out my outfit for the day. I put on some light high waisted shorts and my black shirt along with black converse. I walked out my closet and jumped on my bed grabbing my phone in the process.

I looked at the time and it was about time for Kendall's to pick me up. Me, Kendall, Morgan, and the rest of the crew are planning to go to the beach today.

About 10 minutes later, somebody came in my room and I didn't bother to look who it was. That person started rubbing my ass. I giggled instantly knowing it was Kendall. I looked back and Kendall was standing there admiring my ass.

I cleared my throat and he got out his trance and looked up at me. His smiled and I smiled back.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yea." I said getting off my bed and grabbing my phone and its water proof case. I walked out my room with Kendall behind me and I already knew that nïgga was staring at my ass. I shook my head as we walked out my house and towards his car. I saw that Marie, Derek, Morgan, and Black was already in Kendall's car.

I climbed in the passenger seat telling everyone hi.

"Hi, Malia." Morgan said.

"Hey pumpkin. You ready to go to the beach?" I asked.

"Yes! Me and Daddy gonna build sandcastles." I looked over at Kendall and he was smiling while driving.

"You are! That sounds fun." I said. She nodded. For the rest of the ride, everybody was talking and singing with the radio and was just having fun.

About a 1 and half later, we arrived at the beach.

Everybody got out the truck and went on the beach meeting Anthony and Sincere. And their girls.

Everybody instantly took off their clothes revealing their swimsuits and going in the water. I stood in the sand looking out at everybody.

Someone wrapped their arms my waist. I laid back on them knowing it was Kendall. He put his head in the crook of my neck.

"Baby girl, why you just standing here? Why you ain't in the water?" He asked in a low voice, which sent chills down my back. I love when he talk low, he sounds so sexy when he does.

"Umm, because I don't wanna anybody to see my body." I said below a whisper.

"Maila speak up. I can't hear you."

"I said, I don't anyone to see my body. I look like a fat pig in a bikini." I said louder. Kendall moved his arms from around me and stood all the way up.

He grabbed my arm and spinned me around a swift motion. I looked down at the ground playing in the sand with me feet.

I felt Kendall's run down my body down to my shorts. He unbuttoned them and slid them down to my ankles. He motioned me to step out of them and I did so. He then pulled my shirt over my head leaving me in my bikini.

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